This is the life, I say! Look at that fine leg-stretch I got going on!
Paprika here. I'm no show off. There is nothing like a leopard spotted CAVE on a hot day, I say. This is mine and I'm staying IN it. I don't need to show off like my sis-fur.
Peaches the Cat here again. I decided to try a variety of creative positions since I saw my human still lurking about with the flashy box.
Here is one I considered quite creative. My human told me I was showing off again but I don't care! --Peaches

Not content to stop at one weird position I decided to try a new one, rotating my torso and flattening one ear. She said I was over-doing it. Hrrrmph!
Paprika here again. My sister can act silly all she wants. I got the best spot in the house. And I can look out and see what's going on!
Well now that our "COOL CAT SELFIES" are "hot" off the press, we are wishing YOU cool days too! What are you doing these days to stay cool? Happy Blogoversary, guys!