Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Blogger Friends Mew Year's Slideshow 2024-2025

 Hello all, first of all we want to wish you a very happy New Year from both of us and Mom Carol.  May at least one of your wishes come true

Secondly, we made a MEW YEAR's TRIBUTE featuring many bloggers and hope you'll enjoy it. (you'll need to click on the picture!)

We it's way past time for our nap and we've heard "Hangover Day" (Jan 1) is right around the corner!

Saturday, December 28, 2024

3rd Annual Mew Years Bloggers Show

 3rd Annual Painted Mew Year's Show!

Now Accepting Purr-ticipants!  Deadline Dec. 30

Be Brave! Submit your cat for a total makeover (free) and you will get back a totally new cat with no effort on your part.  This is 3rd year we've had this PAINTED CAT parade and we'd like YOU to be part of it.  To enter you cat you can either:

1) Send an email with your cat's CLEAR picture and name to our cat mom, Carol Lowbeer at the following email 



2) You can post a link HERE of the photo you want us to use (from your blog)


3)  you can message Carol Lowbeer on Facebook or see  her Dec 28 post in the group, CATS WITH BLOGS if you are a member.


or 1st 20 cats 

(we must have at least 10 cats to do the show!)

Hope to hear from you by the deadline!

Peaches, Paprika and Mom Carol.   (we actually do the show and Mom Carol helps. us)

Hope to hear you soon and let's have a great MEW YEAR!

Peaches, Paprika & Mom Carol

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Bloggers 5 years of MEOWY CATMAS SHOWS from the past! 2015-2020

 We decided a good thing to do  Catmas morning was to repost catmas blogger videos we did in the past.  We did 6 shows in all, from 2015 to 2020.  We are going to post links to all! (if possible) Click on the   link below for 2016! (Hope it works...)

Here is 2015

Here is 2017

Here is 2018

Here is 2019

Here is 2020

In the years following 2021 we switched to MEW YEARS Shows...and will show some next week!

We know it is a bittersweet experience to watch videos when some of our best furriends are over the bridge, but most feel it brings them and their presence to us in a healing and loving way.  Hoping you feel the same if you wish to watch...

with love,

Peaches, Paprika and Mom Carol

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Peaches Post-Anesthesia Report - by Paprika the Cat

 Paprika the cat here.  Who better to tell this story than I!

So Peaches had her dental surgery yesterday...and unlike ME, she didn't even have to have any teeth pulled.

Now when I, Paprika had this done, I not only had to have 2 teeth pulled I acted like a little lady afterwards.  I laid down quietly .... and bothered NO one.  

But that's me.

Now Peaches on the other hand ACTED LIKE A DIFFERENT CAT.  For one thing, she didn't even act like herself..  She looked CRAZED!

Then she began to run about the house looking for food. But our human was told not to give her food so soon after the anasthesia.

Peaches went to great lengths to disobey instructions.

She tried to jump on things.

She tried to climb things she wasn't supposed to.

Our human had to chase her all over the house.

THEN...she sat by her food bowl...for THREE HOURS.

Naturally no one paid any attention to ME during this time.  I mean, I live here too!

At last, following vet instructions, our human gave her 1/2 a meal and she appeared to settle down.  And then our human took her to the den (where she spends most of her time), gave her more food, water, a hug, and she was near her litter pan.  She closed the door so Peaches would stop roaming the house restlessly and getting into trouble.

But here's the rub...I heard her meowing at 1:30AM!  She would not stop. Our human slept blissfully through all this but I couldn't.  I had no choice but to WAKE OUR HUMAN UP AT 1:30AM. If you think she wasn't happy about that, you are right!

Having no choice, she got out of bed and followed me and I led her to the den where Peaches was making a racquet.  Of course she had to let Peaches out.  

But THEN Peaches demanded breakfast...at 1:30AM.  Well here's what I did. I joined her.  After all, there's such a thing as solidarity.  So we BOTH SAT By OUR PLATES AND MEOWED FOR BREAKFAST AT 1:30AM.

Poor Mom Carol. She HAD to feed us if she wanted to get any sleep.  And I had an early 1:30AM breakfast right along with Peaches.  

So Mom Carol got finally to go back to sleep.

The next morning it was like nothing happened.  Maybe I dreamed this whole thing.  Peaches was her old self, back at her post in the den in the sun and I... well I feel like a hero, helping out my sister.  After all, it might be my turn next!

Respectfully submitted,

Paprika the cat

Saturday, October 5, 2024

We Celebrate World Teacher Day teaching "How to Control Your Human"

 Today, October 6, on World Teacher Day, we decided to share out knowledge of human beings by becoming CAT TEACHERS of the day. No reason cats cannot celebrate this holiday.  Check it out..we already have a class of enthusiastic feline students!

Due to the popularity of our subject, the audience became unruly when we went to take a restroom break!

Finally we returned to an impatient and ever-increasing group of feline students who did not look pleased with the delay. A couple were really grouchy They ALL wanted to learn "How to Control the Human!"

I Paprika began the first lesson.Our teaching efforts began with an overview of various "control techniques.  One of them is called "The LOOK." We demonstrated ways to let humans know when they've done something we don't like. For instance: paying attention to things other than US.

We were pleased to have an audience who hung on our every MEOW.

Of course Peaches got alittle over-involved and started bragging about our attendance level.  Altough I began the lessons, she takes all the credit.  Listen, Peaches, World Teacher Day is not all about YOU! -- Paprika the cat

Next we're going to teach them some little tricks we've learned like a DEMO of how to roll over on your back and charm them. into doing your bidding.  Stay tuned....there's lots more to learn!

We're joining a couple of hops this weekend like Athena and Marie's Creative Caturday hop and The Cat on My Head's Sunday hop and...well who knows?    We've got to spread the word about our cat classes...

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Fur-balls, Walk The Plank! (Meow Like a Pirate Day)


FURBALLS...WALK THE PLANK! Pirate Peaches here. It seems our human has taken this PIRATES holiday to heart and once again, I must assume a leadership room. IF so, BEGONE, I say to all fur-balls other than myself...I Advised them to WALK THE PLANK! Looks like they're all obeying me...But do you think I might have been too hasty? -- signed, "Pirate Peaches"

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Free Our Autumn Cat Ebook Download - Sept 8 only

We have a Peaches & Paprika Autumn E-book for which we're offering a FREE download - today (September 8) only! Read all about how we celebrate MEOW-LEEN, CATMAS holidays and MORE! Costumes, photo illustrations fun!


To get our E-book

Check out our 60-sec video about it!

Or for better resolution, it's also on youtube!

We are joining The Cat On My Head hop today! Happy Autumn to all!

Monday, September 2, 2024

Orange Cat Parade Finalists and Winners

 We were delighted that our friend COOPER MURPHY joined us ad in fact become one of te Orange cat finalists!  It was a fun event with wonderful purr-ticipation.  

A few days ago we had another event...a Window Watching Cat event.  We love to entertain our fur-ball furrrriends!  Hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day and Ginger Day!

Luv, Peaches & Paprika

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Orange Cat Parade!


Big News! We're hosting an ORANGE CAT PARADE today on our facebook page!  All orange cats welcome. We will have a parade later this afternoon. To purr-ticipate: 


Meanwhilw qw have lots to say about ORANGE CATS!  After all we ARE part orange!

Our human said NO but we are persevering...

However, I, Peaches, maintain there is no use for my sis-fur to dream of orange cats.  How can she compete against ME???

On this historic "orange" day we are joining CAT ON MY HEAD's hop...can't wait to see more "Gingers!"

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Happy EAT-A-PEACH Day - but don't take a bite outa ME!

Peaches the cat here. Admittedly I have cause for concern. Peach Cobbler day and Peach Ice Cream Days are one thing. EAT A PEACH DAY which is today, August 22 is another situation together! All I can say is...no one better take a bite outa ME, Peaches the cat! Signed, the one and only PEACHES PS: If you don't hear from me again, you'll know someone took this holiday too literally. PPSMy sis-fur Paprika says I'm being silly but I don't know about that.... 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Peaches and Paprika become Lions - Celebrate World Lion Day


Our human thought it was Oh so cute to get us these lion costumes she saw on the internet so we could celebrate World Lion Day. It's today, August 10, when these awesome majestic creatures are honored. We TOLD her we were tigers not lions, but she urged us to get into the spirit of the day! So we are! QUEENS OF THE JUNGLE! Are there any Jungle Queens in your household?

We posted this in a prior year but our human could not resist celebrating the day!

We are joining Athena and Marie's Caturday Art Hop today, hoping to meet up with other little lions!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Peaches celebrates Tummy Tuesday at Dinner Table

I was peacefully resting in the kitchen knowing my human would soon prepare dinner when I was rudely disturbed. It was my human who announced she was preparing the area for guests.

Well she found me. And had the nerve to ask me to vacate the space!!!!   Unbelievable...

She then thoughtlessly tried to clear the spaces around me. I performed acrobatics to get attention! That's what it's all about, right?

Apparently my gyrations did NOT impress my human and she became sarcastic!

Well, what do you think?    After all, if she's setting the table doesn't she need my company? And any cat with a beautiful tummy like mine needs to give it AIR & Exposure.  I was keeping her company!   Isn't this outrageous for her to try and UPROOT me from a comfortable space?

-- Peaches the Cat

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Winners of National Paper Bag Day Contest (5 more cats)

 On July 12, NATIONAL PAPER BAG DAY, we held a Paper Bag contest amongst our Facebook friends.  

Each cat had to submit herself/himself INSIDE a paper bag. Despite some outlaw cats not following the rules, here are our talented winners!
2nd place was a another tie between the lovely "Callie" and "Paper Bag Pixel"

Our beautiful 3rd place winner was newcomer Elfie.  What a beautiful gal and so purr-fectly situated in that bag!

Not all cats followed the rules! (which were that you must be IN the bag!  Outlier actions:

1) Sometimes you could see a bag and no identifiable cat

2) Sometimes you could see a cat "investigating" a bag or sitting atop it.  Not going to work, guys!

3) the most blatant offenders showed themselves sitting in something OTHER than a paper bag. One even chose a briefcase, can you believe?

It's not easy running these little contests and parades, but we think everyone had a lot of fun. (believe it or not, there were many cats NOT liking paper bags!

We are trying to show above a couple of videos relating to the event.  Wish us luck we'll need it with Mom Carol's ancient computer!

We are joining The Cat On My Head's Sunday Hop today!

Friday, July 12, 2024

Happy National Paper Bag Day - A bonanza for cats!

Hello all.  Much to our delight, we learned of a special day made just for cats.  Well maybe that wasn't the original intent, but we can't think of a more handy, cheap and delicious invention.

we love to get in them, look in them, hide in them, crumple them, make them get noisy and push them around.  They make most attractive ornaments too, don't you think!

We decided to have a paper bag parade on our social media page today.  We'll see what happens and report back!

  Meanwhile, enjoy the pix of US...enjoying OUR paper bags!

I tried to look extra cute here....cuz I'd love to stay in this bag a long long time! 

-- Paprika

Bags are actually my specialty.  NOt all cats are adept as I am with them or can choose the colors so wisely!

I have another saying which has served me well...

Do you agree?
More Later...

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Bloggers Catriotic Slideshow - 2019 4th of July

 blast from the past! Blogger slideshow from 2019,  Sadly, many of these kitty's are no longer with us...but oh, the memories! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

MY DREAM BOX - for International Box Day!

 Thanks to Ann of Zoolatry for organizing this important day.  It brings back fun memories...when we were brand new blogger kitties, we got to "star" in an International Box Day event...we'll try to find the graphic and post it...

Well today I d decided to share one of my favorite boxes...MY DREAM BOX!  Isn't it beautiful?  What do I dram about in this box?  Well, there's tuna...and thinking of sunny windows...memories of catnip...I wasn't always so comfy...I try to forget my shelter days and my dream box helps me do that! Love, Paprika the cat

PEACHES THE CAT HERE.  I have a different opinion about boxes.   I think a box is where one should creative and experiment with different positions.  check on my "moves" below.  My sis-fur Paprika should be more inventive - like me! 

-- Peaches the cat

HOW about This position?
Or THIS one?

But BOTH. of us have fond memories of our very FIRST box day way back when...Ann of Zoolatry kindly put us in the graphic...made us feel part of the community...BUT...we had to share the scene with a D-O-G!  (Luke). (We DID get to know him later and found him courteous and well mannered...)

Ah, such memories of box day...thanks to Ann.  We still ADORE this picture!

Love, Peaches and Paprika