Sunday, March 31, 2024

Easter Celebrations and Guest Artist

 We agreed with our human that WE would be the starring characters on her Easter Post.  This was not easy since she is easily distracted and sometimes observes (and even CREATES) other cats.  Can you BELIEVE it?  But we got her to keep it down to a minimum today.  Here is an idyllic shot of us resting up for Easter, posted earlier in the week.


I, Paprika, was tempted by a mouthwatering purple basket.  I could not resist.  However, Peaches thought it was a TRAP so I didn’t stay long...

But it turned out to be a TRICK!  Peaches just wanted the purple basket for herself.

Our Human, tiring of our basket ins and outs, turned her attention to “other cats” - again! And made THIS little fantasy picture!

We thought they would be CHICKENS.  What do we do NOW?

Then she created a SLIDESHOW of our Facebook friends.  Of course we DID star in the show.  If you’d like to watch an abbreviated version, here it is (pardon the low resolution)

One last Easter thing she did:  she fell in love with a fellow artists artwork of a whole BOX of  Easter eggs from guessed it...KITTENS emerged! there no end to people’s imagination..It’s called “A Sweet Surprise” - by colleague Andy Gambino. His online link is right below the picture.

We think it’s time to guessed it, a NAP...until the excitement’s over...


We are joining The Cat on My Head’s Sunday hop today. Happy Easter to all!

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Guest Cats for Easter Caturday

 Despite our objections that WE should be the subject of any and all holiday postings, our human DISOBEYED us and agreed to post what she felt were some PAWESOME other cats.  

Mom Carol curates an online CREATIVE CAT forum, she sometimes runs contests and these fine felines (see below) were the artsy winners of the contest.  The links to their pictures online are included if you wnat to know more.  Many (but not all were created with AI.  But of course OUR picture is just lil ole us.  

we do think the artsy cats are petty cool, though.  What do YOU think?

Peaches & paprika

PS:  Mom promised to do some of her "AI" on US...but we're still waiting!

1st place winner.  
Excited For Easter

by Sharon W

2nd Prize:  Cat 00l

the Art Collective

3rd Places (3 images)

We are joining Athena and Maries CREATIVE CATURDAY HOP to show off our Easter Kitty winners!

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

9th Annual Purple Day for Epilepsy

 Peaches here!  We’re up for a good cause always and to support this mission, I have purpled myself  out!  If our purple selves can help in any way we’re up for it!

You can read more about this holiday and mission here!

Thanks to those supporting this cause!

PS: Paprika said she’d be by to support our efforts, but I think she is busy with Easter week....

Saturday, March 16, 2024

St Catrick Guest Cat Creative Winners

Good morning, Peaches the cat here!  This week our human hosted a St. Catrick’s (okay, St. Patrick’s) contest for “MOST CREATIVE ST PATRICKS CAT.”  There was some heavy competition & three talented winners were chosen. (You guessed it, we were “polite” and sat out the competition.  Just sayin...)

Anyway, we’re proud to present the talented artists and photographers who were 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners for our Creative Caturday Hop!  We also included the link to their picture on the Fine Art America site in case you want to investigate them further!

1.  LUCKY KITTEN - by Shoal Hollingsworth

Shoal Hollingworth is a professional photographer living in California.  He shoots an amazing variety of topics and has a wonderful collection of pets – not only cats but dogs, fish, horses and even a rooster.  He writes “I absolutely love being behind the camera and will take on any photography challenge.”

2.  HAPPY ST PATRICK’S DAY KITTEN - by Zenya Zenyaris

Zenya is an illustrator and artist,  also from California. With a diverse portfolio including digital art and other forms of art.  She has a special collection of holiday prints, including this cute St Patricks day kitten with a pensive expression  and green St Patricks hat surrounded in Clover.

3.  ST PATS CATS - by Andy Gambino

Andy Gambino, our third winner is from London, England. Formerly he worked at the Royal Opera House Covenant Garden in the costume department & eventually took up architectural and portrait photography.  He now creates primarily in digital art. His imaginative  abilities certainly show in the whimsical portraits of a cat trio & miniature kitten watching a St Patrick’s event

You might well wonder where were WE when all this voting was going on?  Well, we had an important job.  We helped Mom Carol keep all the voters in line.  And of course we had final veto power over the finalists.  We felt alittle left out...but we had our job to do!  

We love watching the other cats on Fine Art America because our Human learns so much from studying all the different kinds of art.  She actually curates a creative cats group, of which these talented artist were members.  Sometimes she’s in such a good mood she gives us extra TREATS!

Signing off for now and we will reappear tomorrow with our OWN St Catrick’s Day greeting!

Love, Peaches & Paprika

PS:  Mom Carol has her own FineArtAmerica site.  It is:

Joining Athena & Marie’s Creative Caturday Hop and Cat on My Head’s Sunday Hop.

 Happy St Catrick’s to all and may the road rise up to meet you in your travels!

Love, Peaches & Paprika

Monday, March 11, 2024

Who Won the OS-CAT awards?

Well it wasn’t us! Would you believe Mom Carol disqualified us because of previous winnings and opened up the contest to OTHER CATS?  Mouses!!! This is the 4th annual Os-CAT awards but it does make  for an exciting evening where CATS - not only humans - can PURR-ticipate!  (even tho it wasn’t us...we DID give the awards)

The prize was for BEST CATTITUDE...though special prizes were awarded which will be explained.

There were 37 Cats who entered

15 Finalists (selected by Mom Carol

Four CATTITUDE winners (selected by Peaches and Paprika’s Facebook group friends 

and 5 “special prizes awarded”  for “cat with most creative pose,”  “best dressed cat,” “most covetous cat,” “Best synchronicity” and “most outrageous cat.”


Note: The outrageous cat award featured a dramatic shot of Tony the Cat sitting atop a BIRD cage with all FANGS showing!  Mi Cod!

All in all it was an EXCITING contest for the cats involved...not for US...cuz all we got to do was watch.  Fair? NOT fair?

                THE “HOW COULD YOU?” LOOK

We ended the evening with that “special look” straight at our human.  She knows what it means.  But she promises to make up for her lapse of attention in the coming week by posting EXTRA ST CATRICKS DAY pictures...of US!

Due to the occasion, we’re joining Cat On My Head’s Sunday special Hop and Cat Blogosphere too!

Saturday, March 9, 2024


As you know, we like to purr-tonally celebrate all Special Events and the event this weekend are the Oscar Awards Sunday March 10.

But WE like to use this opportunity to hold OS-CAT award events for our Facebook group and anyone who’d like to join in.  Of course WE should really win the award for “BEST CATTITUDE,” don’t you think?

Here are two pictures of awards we feel we richly deserve....Of course, as drama queen, the Cattitude Award should be mine...

And giving credit where credit is due, I have to admit (though I hate to admit it) that Paprika, with her constant antics richly deserves the ACROBATICS Awards....

Of course there are OTHER deserving cats...and our human is trying to talk us into letting others compete.  We don’t know about that! We will report back on this tomorrow!

Meanwhile, we feel privileged to join Athena and Marie’s creative Caturday Hop...We try to visit when we can...though we often have technical trouble commenting on others blogs....we don’t know why....our human is trying to solve this dilemma...