Well out of the blue, we found ourselves IMPRISONED in the bedroom. Walked in and then couldn't get out!!! However we didn't really want to get out. A high level of noise was observed beyond the bedroom. I told Paprika I would serve as official InvestiCATor
Peaches: I'm on the case, Paprika! I see a truck coming...
A big object in our yard... It's DreamMaker Kitchen Renno. Uh Oh! Nothing good can come out of this!
Don't worry, Paprika. I will keep you posted.
Good thing I found this suitcase to HIDE in!
Paprika, there are men with loud voices and weapons coming toward the house! not good!
Paprika: Good thing we're locked IN! I'm sticking to this suitcase!
Peaches: I'm coming inside - there are crashing noises out there....
Paprika the noises are coming from a southern direction. Sniff!
Paprika, I think the noises may be coming from the closet!
Helloooo...who are you?
Paprika, there's no one in the closet!
Time for a washing!
To be continued...