Sunday, July 14, 2024

Winners of National Paper Bag Day Contest (5 more cats)

 On July 12, NATIONAL PAPER BAG DAY, we held a Paper Bag contest amongst our Facebook friends.  

Each cat had to submit herself/himself INSIDE a paper bag. Despite some outlaw cats not following the rules, here are our talented winners!
2nd place was a another tie between the lovely "Callie" and "Paper Bag Pixel"

Our beautiful 3rd place winner was newcomer Elfie.  What a beautiful gal and so purr-fectly situated in that bag!

Not all cats followed the rules! (which were that you must be IN the bag!  Outlier actions:

1) Sometimes you could see a bag and no identifiable cat

2) Sometimes you could see a cat "investigating" a bag or sitting atop it.  Not going to work, guys!

3) the most blatant offenders showed themselves sitting in something OTHER than a paper bag. One even chose a briefcase, can you believe?

It's not easy running these little contests and parades, but we think everyone had a lot of fun. (believe it or not, there were many cats NOT liking paper bags!

We are trying to show above a couple of videos relating to the event.  Wish us luck we'll need it with Mom Carol's ancient computer!

We are joining The Cat On My Head's Sunday Hop today!

Friday, July 12, 2024

Happy National Paper Bag Day - A bonanza for cats!

Hello all.  Much to our delight, we learned of a special day made just for cats.  Well maybe that wasn't the original intent, but we can't think of a more handy, cheap and delicious invention.

we love to get in them, look in them, hide in them, crumple them, make them get noisy and push them around.  They make most attractive ornaments too, don't you think!

We decided to have a paper bag parade on our social media page today.  We'll see what happens and report back!

  Meanwhile, enjoy the pix of US...enjoying OUR paper bags!

I tried to look extra cute here....cuz I'd love to stay in this bag a long long time! 

-- Paprika

Bags are actually my specialty.  NOt all cats are adept as I am with them or can choose the colors so wisely!

I have another saying which has served me well...

Do you agree?
More Later...

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Bloggers Catriotic Slideshow - 2019 4th of July

 blast from the past! Blogger slideshow from 2019,  Sadly, many of these kitty's are no longer with us...but oh, the memories! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

MY DREAM BOX - for International Box Day!

 Thanks to Ann of Zoolatry for organizing this important day.  It brings back fun memories...when we were brand new blogger kitties, we got to "star" in an International Box Day event...we'll try to find the graphic and post it...

Well today I d decided to share one of my favorite boxes...MY DREAM BOX!  Isn't it beautiful?  What do I dram about in this box?  Well, there's tuna...and thinking of sunny windows...memories of catnip...I wasn't always so comfy...I try to forget my shelter days and my dream box helps me do that! Love, Paprika the cat

PEACHES THE CAT HERE.  I have a different opinion about boxes.   I think a box is where one should creative and experiment with different positions.  check on my "moves" below.  My sis-fur Paprika should be more inventive - like me! 

-- Peaches the cat

HOW about This position?
Or THIS one?

But BOTH. of us have fond memories of our very FIRST box day way back when...Ann of Zoolatry kindly put us in the graphic...made us feel part of the community...BUT...we had to share the scene with a D-O-G!  (Luke). (We DID get to know him later and found him courteous and well mannered...)

Ah, such memories of box day...thanks to Ann.  We still ADORE this picture!

Love, Peaches and Paprika