
Welcome to Peaches and Paprika's blog, an ongoing story about tiger-calico Peaches and her tortie-calico sister, Paprika who live in Connecticut.  They are joined by their human receptionist, Carol Lowbeer.

Peaches & Paprika lived in three shelters before they came to live with Carol.  They are originally New Yorkers, who at age 1 year old, were left at the famous NYACC by two owners who moved overseas.  Sadly no one came to adopt them for quite awhile. They caught "shelter colds" and ended up on the dreaded "Death Row" (to be euthanized the next morning) list.

 But..happy ending! They were RESCUED by a Staten Island Foster organization , nursed back to health, and driven to Connecticut, where they lived at Marys Kitty Korner, a nice sunny digs in a no kill shelter. But they DID have to live with 50 other cats.  Peaches, always enterprising, managed to  end up with a window seat a good part of the time.

Carol fell in love with glamorous, feisty Peaches. She was a package deal with Paprika, a sweet, smaller cat, shy but even more adorable and loving.

Once home, Carol was delighted to find both cats were loving and well-behaved (what a relief!).  They never used their claws near humans or on her furniture. A miracle. How did those other owners ever desert them?  The mystery of our lives...

Not that they're always little angels.  They DO like to celebrate a lot of weird HOLIDAYS, though, like NATIONAL POPCORN DAY,  TOOTH FAIRY DAY and MUSHROOM DAY. And of course the traditional holidays like "CAT WORLD DOMINATION" DAY AND "HUG YOUR CAT" DAY.

We hope you enjoy their adventures and escapades on our blog pages.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! I just adopted Coachella whom I renamed ‘Mambo’ .
