Good morning, Peaches here! Can't believe we've reached our 3rd Blogoversary and that so much time went by since we started blogging. Holy Cat. We've really enjoyed it and for old time's sake would like to tell you a little more about us and share our favorite photos & events from the past year!
How we started this blog:
One day our human stumbled across The Cat on My Head's Sunday Blog Hop. It sounded wonderful...but you had to have a blog. she looked at me chasing Paprika around the living room & decided to immortalize us! He He.
What Carol likes most about blogging:
Apparently OUR friendship is not enough for her and she's told us she just loves reading the stories and seeing the photos of all those OTHER cats. We don't understand that but that's what she says. We did manage to acquire a few virtual boyfriends along the way. Orange cats are our preference.
Update on the past year:
We celebrated a lot more "fun" holidays, (you'll see below), created several slideshows & built up our Facebook page to where we have a nice little Facebook community. We feel greatly beloved!
Next Year: Our human is also working on a new blog look. She retired this year and hopes to go through all our photos so she can share even MORE funny pictures of us. (Yay!)
2017-18 Retrospective: Without further ado, here are our favorite pictures from the past year (if you don't have time to look at them all, we'll understand. Believe me, our human usually doesn't let us go on and on this much!)
March 2017 posts
I, Peaches, was featured in Debra Barnes book, Makin' Biscuits because of my nightly "Welcome Ceremony." I greet my arriving human at the door and then seize whatever hat she is wearing. That's how I got to be featured in a picture series AND a video!
And then there was getting ready for St Patrick's Day...
We started out April in the traditional way:
Easter came soon thereafter and as usual Paprika went into hiding!
We then did a REALLY fun Easter Parade video for our Facebook friends, giving all participants their own hat! Here is us in ours!
Earth Day and Arbor Day
There were a lot of really cool April holidays after that, Earth Day and National Arbor Day! I couldn't get enough of hugging trees, earth and what not! That snippy Paprika gave me a hard time over my devotion though!
A traditional start:
And in the next post, Cinquo de Mayo we got to wear sunglasses!
Soon we had to say goodbye to our dear orange friend Flynn from Paprika was a great fan of his & miss himes so much!
Then Came Mother's day (we called it Kitty-Mom's Day)
Donuts cannot be ignored. We both got ourselves entangled with them.
Then we read about Cat Domination Day also in June--need I say more?
There was almost an embarrassment of totally cool holidays in July:
We both vied for attention ...
As if that weren't enough, PEACH ice cream day occurred before I could catch my breath!
Badge by Ann of Zoolatry |
Then we had our July kitchen renovation!
We were NOT happy during this time.
Finally a really cool holiday called International Tiger day arrived where Paprika could finally strut her stuff!
In August we got lucky and got to do a cool MEOWBOX Product Review...and it had a Camping Season theme!
Paprika is NEVER casual about catnip!
August ended with Kiss and Make Up Day! We do that all the time so we're really experienced at it!

Summer now almost a memory, called for a day at the beach!
In October we got to put on our horns and carry our pitchforks! This felt Natural to us!
In November we celebrated the fallen leaves AND were asked to appear in Cat Vogue and Glamour Kitty publications...I had never heard of these before....
Paprika-Peach Pie Recipe (for real!)
We did a lot of research before thanksgiving and found this bonafide recipe which we posted!
And of course we had to wish all a happy T-Day!
Our 2-family House |
Well the first thing we did in December was receive an amazing gift: We're now the proud owner of a 2 family house! We both fit into it!
We arrived in these carriers! |
And the second thing was to celebrate our Gotcha Day. 5 years we've been at Chez Carol. We've done good! The house is a lot more comfy than those carriers we came in!
THEN we sent out Christmas cards & participated in Secret Paws!
Our human got really busy and made TWO holiday slideshows: one for our Facebook friends and another for our Blogger friends. We helped all the way! Whew.
Would you say we need a good long rest after that?
The first thing to take care of in January was to finish enjoying our secret paws gifts from Friends Furever blog. A certain cat in this picture got a little carried away!
And then there was the little matter of "someone" trying to be a drama queen with one of the gifts, a red & white fleece blanket.
Our human also learned from the Blogging Cats calendar published by Sweet Purrfections that Jan 21 was National Hugging Day. Sheesh we couldn't let that go by!
It seemed the snow would never end...
February was VERY exciting cuz we got our first job, announcing for the Super Bowl. Can you believe? Paprika almost loused it up!
Our Super Bowl adventure was closely followed by Valentines Day, where we were given a pink cadillac and our human made a "love shack video" just for US!
This über-exciting event was followed by a "Love Your Pet" day can surmise the rest.
Our last creative effort for February was a total fantasy...Paprika got it in her head that we had to become tooth fairies since it was National Tooth Fairy Day. Okay so it wasn't the worst idea in the world and I did like the idea of flying and wearing a crown!
On that totally unrealistic note, we bid you goodbye. If you've made it this far without falling asleep we want to thank you for being our furrriends, for being supportive & kind and for giving our human the opportunity to visit your cool kitties!
We're joining The Cat On My Head's Sunday hop today. It's all their fault we got started blogging back in 2015...MOL...!