Monday, November 30, 2015

Kong Triangle Play Mat Review

Peaches & Paprika wonder what is inside the "Triangle Tunnel"
from King Kong
I was delighted to  be one of the bloggers to  review the King Kong Triangle Playmat for my kitties Peaches and Paprika.  It is available through and features "an inviting & versatile playspace for indoor cats."  It also comes in purple, but much to our delight we got another version with a leopard print!  
Peaches checking out the new "leopard" arrival

Well Peaches and Paprika are always up for a new "Play space" and this did the trick.  They watched carefully when I unpacked it and couldn't wait to investigate!

This play mat (see above) is flat but folds up into a fun "triangle-tunnel" with a dangling CATNIP MOUSE to encourage cat-antics. It can be used FLAT and has a plush velvety floor and a textured interior.
Peaches "grabbed" the playmate before i could even fold it into a tunnel

After checking out it's "leopard"side (an always   tantalizing color for calicos, Peaches & Paprika allowed me to make it into a triangle and peered inside to find the catnip mouse!
A Tunnel at last! Peaches takes a look inside....

I think I see...a Mouse in there!

It's definitely a MOUSE!
I'm going in....
Paprika was a little more hesitant
Approaching it from the outside

Before Peering inside
In summary, Peaches and Paprika had a wonderful time exploring the tunnel.  the only caveat they meowed to me was that they could not remain in it long because they were too big.  (They weigh 10 and 12 pounds respectively) Still they had a wonderful time exploring and playing, and the catnip mouse definitely caught their interest.

Peaches decided she MUSt (in true Peaches fashion) "pose" next to the tunnel, but after that the girls enjoyed the furry flat version, too!  It is a versatile play mat indeed, and the velcro straps, light weight and sturdy build make it idea for traveling!   In short, Peaches & Paprika had a wonderful time with the Lepard Play mat. As mentioned it does come in purple but they loved this one! You can find this (and lots of wonderful toys) at by clicking on Kong Triangle Play Mat. It is on sale for $10.92 at the moment.
It folds out flat, too! Perfect place for a cat nap?

Disclosure: We were not compensated for this post. We received a Kong Triangle Play Mat free of charge in exchange for our honest, review--which is that we love it! is not responsible for the content of this post.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Ultimate Selfie - By Peaches

Occasionally Peaches insists on assuming a position of her own choosing: 
right on my neck at bedtime......
ZZZZZZ...Apparently Peaches will get plenty of sleep and I will NOT!!! LOL...We've all been there!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

We host guest cats Tasha & Tiberius-Video

As always we have a guest cat this month, (two guest cats!), The lovely Tasha and Tiberius, from Enfield CT. Tasha & Tiberius Photoshoot The attached video is of our photoshoot with t hem (3 mins).  As with most cats, they did NOT have the best time in the world, but did a great job nonetheless, with their owners Kim and David.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving from US!

Peaches & Paprika, Carol's little blessings!
We're so grateful to be here & grateful for this wonderful community of cat bloggers.  We treasure you all & thank you so much for being here sharing kitty joys, sorrows + introducing us to wonderful new words like SisFur, BroFur, O Mi Cod,& all
the other delightful things we have learned here!  We only wish we could be here more & hope you're pardon us for all the times we could not share and visit.Happy holiday to all!  
(Our beautiful first frame to day is from Imikimi - Thank U, Imikimi)

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Autumn Beauties - Caturday Art

Once in a while we, Peaches and Paprika, like to get all gussied up and have our "photo" taken~  Hah, that's like every day. But Since there are few beautiful leaves left outdoors to savor, here are some beautiful frames our human found for the Caturday Art Hop (which we love!) by Imikimi to enhance our autumn "calico" splendor.   You like? 

Friday, November 20, 2015


WOW how good is this!  I have been given a free mouse!  My new friend Ellen Pilch of  Pilch92 15andMeowing gave me this mouse when she met Carol at the cat show last month and it is most delectable!

First there is the discovery period!
Paprika, go away, I see you lurking about in the corner!

Then one HIDES before the big POUNCE!

One sneaks up to it....
The Catch:  Hah!  Gotcha!!!!~

Thank you, Ellen P, I love the mouse and don't worry, I won't let Paprika near it!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

LINKS TO "CAT TAILS" SHOW airing in CT - Carol coordinated

 Many of you remember the Cat Tails TV show our owner Carol coordinated for a local TV station while she totally neglected US for a few weeks in summer. There were 6 segment  on the air now IN CT -- here are the links you asked for. (just three of them, we'll post the rest over the weekend.)  Though we WERE left alone more than usual, we've forgiven our owner in the hopes the program will help other felines like us!  Or not as lucky....

CAT REIKI - with Deb Arconti & Heather Delusso-Nutmeg TV

THERAPY CATS - with Terri Jennings & Charmaine Harkins

The FAT CAT - Roaring Brook Animal Hospital - Dr Malouin

  Connie my colleague interviewed and Carol got the guests...there's a nice note from the station owner at the end of the credits.

Monday, November 2, 2015

The Post-Halloween Blues

Well after all that holiday fuss, the next day has got to be a bit of a let-down...check out Peaches questioning Paprika who wants to stay in her Halloween web...

 Paprika has a few thoughts of her own to add

and a happy Manic Monday to all!