Sunday, August 30, 2020

We move to the beach! But are surrounded by boxes...

Announcement:  Mom Carol (with us) is moving near the beach!  She is very happy about it.  She bought a little blue mobile home in a 55+ affordable community just a block away from the water at the Connecticut shore.  Happy!  We?  Less so!  Hmmmph.  Moving AGAIN?  As a bribe, she has offered us two beach houses of our own to make up for the disruption.

But is that enough?

We saw something I have a dim memory of from not long ago and it was NOT a good memory!

I  have always believed in being open and forthright about my opinions. - Peaches

I, Paprika, am trying to put a Positive spin on things.  unlike grouchy Peaches.

But even I, "Paws-i-tive Paprika" questioned the quantity of b-o-x-e-s.

I decided to nestle in places I don't normally frequent -- like the BACK of the sofa on the floor -- so the humans do not forget I, Peaches, am here too!

 I could pretend to be cooperative which I often do.  But not today!

Meanwhile, I, Paprika, have big decisions to make today.
We are joining Cat on My Head today for our beloved Sunday hop.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Two Cats, One Beach House (beachy slideshow)

 How would you like to watch a peachy beachy SLIDESHOW of our first BEACH HOUSE? 

Our human surprised us with a meow-valors gift!  A beach house complete with catnip, treats and playthings.  But would we have to share?  Watch our short beach Slideshow (it's worth it!) and you will know the answer!

Or if you JUST didn't want to watch a slideshow, you could look at sumptuous pictures of us trying to take possession of the house!

I, Paprika, saw the house FURst!

 I have noticed a BEACH HOUSE TO EXPLORE
Hey, Paprika Come Outa There!
I'm not coming out and that's final!
No is NO!
Peaches: HAH! I convinced her otherwise.  The house is mine now!
La La La, Rock & Roll
It's good to stretch out and get comfortable in one's house, isn't it?
I may have gone too far with the stretching out...what is happening to my house?
We're joining The Cat on My Head hop today!

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Eat-a-Peach Day


Despite my love of all things "Peach" such as peach cobbler, peach ice cream and peach melba, I draw the line at EAT-A-PEACH DAY which is today.  I have some concerns about this and do NOT want to be someone's dessert.  Paprika tells me I am foolish to worry but a peachy gurrrl cannot be too careful.  What do YOU think?

-- Peaces the cat

We are joining Athena & Marie's Saturday Art Hop today!

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Cat jokes - a fun way to celebrate Tell-a-Joke Day


Just in the nick of time during a challenging year.  Tell-A-Joke Day, celebrated on August 16, is a great day to "cut loose" and be less serious, even if the jokes are corny, like ours. (but how do you like Peaches' great new hairdo?)

We thought you might enjoy a few jokes our human collected.  We don't think they're funny but we observed her chuckling a bit:

What's a cat's favorite magazine? Good Mousekeeping!

How do cats stop crimes?  They call Claw Enforcement.

What did the alien say to the cat?  Take Me to Your Litter!

Here are some sites the above jokes came from and where you can find many more!

Hoping you find some jokes to enjoy, cat or otherwise today to lighten your weekend!

We are joining The Cat on My Head's Sunday hop today!


Saturday, August 15, 2020

Happy National Relaxation Day & Friendly Fill-Ins

Happy National Relaxation Day to all our friends.  It's the Purr-Fect time to let loose and, well, just let loose!  Every cat has to take a break from his or her hectic life, doesn't she?  Humans could take a lesson from us!  


Here are our friendly fill-ins for the week, inspired by our friends at 15 and Meowing and Four-legged Furballs!

1.  I like Ketchup on my Eggs! - Mom Carol

2. My human's absences remind me of how much I loves her!  I have an elaborate Welcome Ceremony upon her return - complete with meow-chirps! Peaches the cat

2.Too many days of canned chicken reminds us of "when the H__ is she going to come across with the TUNA?" - Peaches & Paprika

3. It pains me to see Hair-Balls! I wonder what I've done wrong! - Mom Carol

4. I can't see Mom Carol talking on the phone at her desk without JUMPING on the back of the chair and proceeding to her lap. I just can't help it.  Her hands are idle and I've just got to TRY!  - Paprika the cat

We are joining Athena & Marie today for their creative cat Cat-ur-day we are very well decorated during our relaxations!  Is everyone relaxing?

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Peaches' Love Attack


Evil Peaches? 
Okay so we all have our "moments."
Anyone who knows me knows i can have a strong "purr-sonality." One thing is, I'm VERY affectionate.  I feel LOVE should be on MY timetable, though. Lately my human has been very busy at the exact same time I'm having a LOVE ATTACK & feeling passionate. Here's my latest bid for affection when my human was buried in her computer.  I'm NOT shy about asking for love when I'm "in the mood."  Do you think I'm being unreasonable?

We are joining Thankful Thursday's hop today. And as far as being thankful, I am thankful there exists a lap to be sat on!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

International Cat Day - World Map of Cat Friends

Happy International Cat Day! This wonderful day honors cats from all over the world. While we couldn't fit in all the flags we thought it would be fun to post a map of some of our cat friends across the world.  We
just love a day where cats take center stage. It's a great excuse to give your cat an extra treat, creative play time or brushing!

We are joining Athena and Marie today for the wonderful weekly creative cat hop!

Friday, August 7, 2020

International Beer Day

Since we cats love beer and beach, the best way to celebrate is the just immerse oneself, don't you agree?    Besides,  International Beer Day  honors our human's last name which is LowBEER so we were kind of co-erced into it.  Although we must tell you we are probably the only cats who celebrate it. We only hope our human can help us crawl out of these mugs when the holiday is over!

We are also participating in 15 and Meowing's and Four Legged Fur-balls - questions answered by Peaches.

1. One word to describe our week is lunatic & lightless.  Isias visited us and we cats had to live IN THE DARK!  (we could see our dinners though)  Our human bought one of those headband-flashlight things & we did NOT like it!  She looked like a creature from outer space.

2. Our biggest success has been helping our human finish the cover for her 2nd book this week. 

3. Not to brag, but we had a special way of notifying our human when the lights came back on at 4AM.  It was a scary momentt indeed, going from complete darkness to electrifying lights & sounds in the middle of the night. We were terrified  We let her know about this immediately by pouncing on the bed and then the nightstands and Paprika got way up on a chest and pounced on the bed from there so our human would be sure and wake up.  Unfortunately she was NOT PLEASED with us.  And threw us out of the bedroom. (We got back in later though)

4. For us "No surprises",is the meaning of life.  Enough of this Lights on Lights off surprise stuff.  Obviously our human doesn't appreciate our "notifications" and we DON'T like change.  Isias should know that and not visit here again.

Respectfully submitted, Peaches the cat

Sunday, August 2, 2020


The first Sunday of August is designated as "Sisters Day" and our human thought it would be just the coolest thing to show close ups of us together.  I think my almond amber eyes are the cats meow, whereas Paprika's rounder green eyes make her look way too innocent.  Believe me, Paprika is NOT that innocent!  

Mom Carol also thought this was a great day to study our likenesses and differences as beloved calicos.  She thinks our orange, black, white and striped colorings are really cool (whereas we could care less!) 

Naturally as calicos, we enjoy looking "intense" from time to time, showing true calico spirit.  What we'd like to know is:  who is the fairest of us all?  (Okay that's not fair!) But if you'd like to weigh in...

Today we're joining The Cat On My Head's Sunday Selfie hop.  (Okay so we didn't take them ourselves, but its okay to have alittle help, right?

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Happy National Campfire Day - Great time for chasing BUGS!

Happy National Campfire Day.  This day falls on the first Cat-ur-day of August, and is designed to honor the wonderful campfire one makes at dusk.  But that's not the good part for cats (nor are those costumes our human made us wear.  It's the BUGS!  Lots of  bugs to chase and sometimes catch and eat.  Paprika is really good at this while I'm good at snoopervising the chase.  Happy Cat-ur-day too! 

We're joining Athena & Marie's hop today!