Paprika here. It's been in the 90's here on the East Coast and we cats must adapt ourselves accordingly. We consider ourselves as hot cats in that we "flow with the heat" and try out new, far out postures in the hopes of adapting ourselves to the smoldering summer temperatures! UPSIDE DOWN is one such experiment. I couldn't quite get there, though.
I have been experimenting with a great washing effort. My human insisted on photographing me when I was in a compromising position. But one has to keep every part scrupulously clean in this weather. ESPECIALLY white feet!! -- Peaches the cat.
My "crooked cat look"Okay, it is time to to try a more experimental position. I honestly believe I am a "cooler cat" when trying out this posture. My human complains I'm really strange this week. I think SHE is strange! - Paprika the Cat
In closing, we wish our fellow felines, ESCAPE FROM THE HEAT in whatever posture or activity you deem. a-Purr-preate!
Listen to NO HUMANS when it comes to your purr-sonal comfort. They will only interfere!