Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Our World rocked by Holiday visitors

The Overnight Visitors

This past weekend - a 'CAT-ASTROPHIE" turned our feline lives upside down.  OVERNIGHT VISITORS!!!

We were minding our own business, awaiting Carol our human's return when...THREE humans returned.  The two stranger-humans LOOKED like Carol but were NOT Carol. We were told they were something called "cousins", an invention made to fool cats.  We took off and were having none of it. Just look at us in those "leopard boxes" Carol brought to placate us:  do we LOOK happy?


Are we enjoying ourselves? NOT!
That night was even MORE confusing.  There was a lump on Carol's bed and when approaching I was horrified to find it was NOT Carol but a "cousin."  I went to look for Carol and she was asleep in her den but on a small cot and it was hard to position myself properly.  Plus Paprika got there first & got the best spot.


I walked out to the living room, seeking out the soft velour sofa but horrors, there was another "cousin" on it, wrapped in a blanket. this was more than any cat should have to put up with. All my secure places turned topsy turvey.

Then I tried ALL the rooms!

I ran back and forth between the den and living room, wailing softly and trying to tell them they were doing it wrong but no one would listen!  This was outrageous. My wails grew louder. Finally  Carol came out to whisper to me to be quiet and coaxed me 
Soothed to sleep...finally
into the  den where she petted me and where I uneasily settled on a "cat bed" Carol had brought for us. I have told her so many times I'm no longer into "cat beds" - did she forget?

The Next Morning

The next morning was better.  The cousins were finally upright and took up less space.  I got brave and ventured to the sofa finding a good place to display my charms.  It worked. One of the cousins took my photograph. 

At last I was in my element...in pictures! 

Departure of "the invaders"

Finally they left - but not a moment too soon.  The motto of this story is...if we put our paw down and stay, they will go! We had not really slept for hours and
conked out in the den.  Here we are, out cold.  See you in a few days!

Respectfully submitted, Peaches the Cat

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Cat Bloggers Holiday Slideshow coming up

Today we are joining Cat on My Head's Sunday blog hop and wanted to tell you about our upcoming CAT BLOGGERS HOLIDAY SLIDESHOW & hope you'll join us and be part of it!  Have a great holiday season. We feel fortunate that you are our friends and hope you'll join us in his celebration! Details below. Happy Holidays!
To be part of it just email our human, Carol at the following address:carollowbeer@comcast.net and include the following info:

                1) Your holiday graphic or link to it on web
2) Blog Name
3) Blog Address
4) Name of your Cats
5) Your Name 

Deadline: December 15.

It will be a fun show with snowy effects, music, neat graphics, and a fun experience for all!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Taking a seat at the Thanksgiving table

We feel furrballs should be part of every Turkey event so this year decided to take matters into our own paws. We felt a bit nervous about it but it worked out Cat-tiffically! 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Cats in Thanksgiving Hats

HAPPY UPCOMING TURKEY DAY TO ALL! Wouldn't you know there was a "request' from our human for us to don Thanksgiving Hats this week.  At least there are "virtual hats" so we don't have to endure wearing a real one. We tried to look as sweet and charming as possible but just for the picture. After this, we "revert" to our real selves. Hey, how do you like our fashionable "bonnets?" 
Love, Peaches & Paprika

Monday, November 21, 2016

Merrick's Purrfect Bistro Thanksgiving Dinner #Chewyinfluencer

Wow did we ever get lucky! As part of the Chewy Influencer program from Chewy.com we selected our very own Thanksgiving Dinner. We thought we'd do a short video this time to show our joyous reaction! When you watch it you will see how enthralled we were with "Our" grain-free Turkey Dinner (INCLUDING sweet potatoes, carrots and more!)

High Res Version: Peaches & Paprika enjoy Merrick's Thanksgiving Dinner!

Or you can watch the low-res version below!

Blessings to all.

Disclaimer: We received a box of Merrick's Purrfedt Bistro Thanksgiving Dinner in exchange for our honest review (which as you'll see is a RAVE review!)

Friday, November 18, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving week

Wishing you a blessed week. Thank you for being our friends & being present in our lives! We have much to be thankful for!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Cats of Sebastion House Slideshow

You won't believe this but our human was unfaithful to us AGAIN.  With OTHER CATS!  She left us & drove an hour to photograph the dogs & cats of her favorite animal shelter 'OUR COMPANIONS' in Ashford, Connecticut.  She makes a slideshow for them annually to help their fundraising & adoption efforts. She told us it is an amazing place with 3 cozy cottages where dogs and cats are showered with love while waiting for adoption...

Saturday, November 5, 2016

We Rest While Human visits Fairy Villages

Peaches Picasso effect
Peaches & Paprika Floating Hearts-Lunapic
Here we are recuperating from Halloween  in our FAVORITE POSITIONS!  Our human had fun using Lunapic's Picasso effect for Peaches but for our together shot, we got "floating hearts" so she can show how she loves us!    BUT

While we were resting our human was unfaithful to us!  She put together a slideshow of Fairy Villages for "Winding Trails" a nearby nature place.  Even though it has nothing to do with cats she insisted on showing it to you, saying it is "creative."  We'll show you creative, girl! Anyway for those who want a "cat break' we hope you enjoy the fairy villages.  
Love, P & P


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

BAAAAD Cats during Halloween week...my report

In the rush of finishing the Halloween slideshow, we're posting this portrait late.  But I want to report Peaches and Paprika for being BAAAAAD cats this Halloween week.  I don't know how they knew about the red devil costumes I made them...but THEY FOUND OUT! This week my usually well-behaved furballs:

1) Got into a cat fight on my ANKLE! Ouch! Paprika was hanging out on my foot, only to be attacked by Peaches who decided she wanted that exact spot. A scuffle on TOP  of me ensued.  

2)  They BROKE INTO MY CUPBOARD.They STOLE & ATE their probiotic envelope Forti-Flora.  Yes, they ATE the envelope! Peaches threw it up later. I knew they loved it but not that much. Will hide it better next time.

There's more: like the hell-bent all over the house crazy chasings like Halloween maniacs but I'll stop here.  I just wanted to REPORT THEM as BAAAAAD cats!  Shape up, Girls! Play nice! No more cupboard thefts!  They truly did live up to their "RED DEVIL" graphic this week.

- signed, Carol, their hostess