The Overnight Visitors
This past weekend - a 'CAT-ASTROPHIE" turned our feline lives upside down. OVERNIGHT VISITORS!!!SLEEPING ARRANGEMENT? OH NO!
Are we enjoying ourselves? NOT! |
I walked out to the living room, seeking out the soft velour sofa but horrors, there was another "cousin" on it, wrapped in a blanket. this was more than any cat should have to put up with. All my secure places turned topsy turvey.
Then I tried ALL the rooms!
I ran back and forth between the den and living room, wailing softly and trying to tell them they were doing it wrong but no one would listen! This was outrageous. My wails grew louder. Finally Carol came out to whisper to me to be quiet and coaxed meSoothed to sleep...finally |
The Next Morning
Departure of "the invaders"
Finally they left - but not a moment too soon. The motto of this story is...if we put our paw down and stay, they will go! We had not really slept for hours andconked out in the den. Here we are, out cold. See you in a few days!
Respectfully submitted, Peaches the Cat