Sunday, February 28, 2021

Our New Spring Celebrations Book

The 3rd book in our CELEBRATIONS SERIES  is due to be launched next week, and is FREE to download Feb 28 only!  Just click on the link,  PEACHES & PAPRIKA'S SPRING CELEBRATIONS and you will be able to download our mini-book.  


Here are some highlights of the book in which Peaches & Paprika celebrate holidays taking place in April, May and June

In April we find Peaches “hugging” the Earth to celebrate Earth Day and in May both cats celebrate National Wine Day. 

June finds the two cats trapped in a hot air balloon floating high in the sky and later in the month is the best holiday of all “Cat World Domination Day!” 

Traditional holidays such as Easter and Memorial Day are celebrated as well. This book makes a perfect small gift for an animal lover or for any seasonal occasion. It is part of a series which also includes the other three seasons of the year.

We fervently hope you'll take this opportunity to DOWNLOAD THE BOOK while it's free AND (we hope) to take a moment write a short review on Amazon, if you like the book.  It helps us sell future books.

Instructions to download book:

1) Bypass the "Read For Free" button which comes first on the page.  CLICK ON THE 'BUY WITH ONE CLICK' button and today the price will be ZERO!

We are joining Cat On My Head's Sunday hop today.


Sunday, February 14, 2021

Our Cat Match Slideshow - a virtual mate for every cat

 We had fun doing something new this year a VIRTUAL CAT MATCH SHOW! 52 felines applied and we ended up with 26 pairs of compatible cats - how often can you say that?

To watch this over-the-top fun slideshow, click here or on the picture above!

If Lizzie was a jumper, well we found her a guy whose daily occupation was ascending to the top cabinets and refrigerators...if she was more say a sunshine nap cat well we found her a snoozing partner.  Two cats seen shared a passion for "chasing the dog" and another two a passion for Lik-E-Leaks.  It was all in fun and something little different to do for valentines Day.  Two bloggers purr-ticipated...weare posting their "hook-ups" below!

To get things started we provided our readers with some simple instructions

We did a little graphic for each pair after matching the cats up.

Here are two we did of our own MUDPIE from Mochas, Mysteries & Meows and RAZ from Friends Furever blog!

Hope we can do this sometime in the future for our blogging community...would be fun!

We are joining Cat on My Head's Sunday hop today.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Cat Match - a New Valentine Game for us!

This year we invented something new - CAT MATCH - a special romantic game where 25 lucky female cats get VIRTUAL CAT BOYFRIENDS.

Face it~ Girl cats, haven't you always wanted a special friend NOT in your household?  One of our boy cats came overseas all the way from the U..K.   

Each purr-ticipating cat posts a comment and is asked to state his/her best quality and favorite pastimes.  Sometimes they suggested their ideal date - such as sharing mice! Or an afternoon on a fluffy blanket by the fireplace.  Or learning how to unroll toilet paper.  

Here are a few of the couples we "matched up!"

There will be a virtual slideshow on Valentines Day.

That is if Mom Carol has any energy left after all the "matching up!

This would be a fun thing to try with our blogging group next Valentines!

We are joining Athena & Marie's Creative Cat-Ur-Day Hop as we're feeling creature, er creative today indeed...

Sunday, February 7, 2021


Peaches the cat here! Even though the kitten Bowl AND the Super Bowl (or is it Snooper-bowl) are hours away, I got up early to celebrate properly!

For some reason, my human was VERY unappreciative of my efforts, alas. She said I was "doing it wrong." Hmmmph! There was nothing to do in that case but fade away...

As it happens, I know exactly what I'm doing! I learned that a cat has to be creative in order to be admired. And I LOVE being admired...

Alas, that darned Paprika evil little sister, had to try and crash my party with a "real" football.  I don't like when she steals my thunder.

Later in the day, after considerable research, I tried a different approach!

Of course evil sister-Paprika went crazy and haywire as she often does...

Paprika was WAY off base! And our human even complimented her for being so silly!  I'm not having anything to do with any of this any more!

-- Peaches the cat

We are joining The Cat On My Head's Sunday hop today.