Hello all, first of all we want to wish you a very happy New Year from both of us and Mom Carol. May at least one of your wishes come true
We it's way past time for our nap and we've heard "Hangover Day" (Jan 1) is right around the corner!
Hello all, first of all we want to wish you a very happy New Year from both of us and Mom Carol. May at least one of your wishes come true
We it's way past time for our nap and we've heard "Hangover Day" (Jan 1) is right around the corner!
3rd Annual Painted Mew Year's Show!
Now Accepting Purr-ticipants! Deadline Dec. 30
Be Brave! Submit your cat for a total makeover (free) and you will get back a totally new cat with no effort on your part. This is 3rd year we've had this PAINTED CAT parade and we'd like YOU to be part of it. To enter you cat you can either:
1) Send an email with your cat's CLEAR picture and name to our cat mom, Carol Lowbeer at the following email
2) You can post a link HERE of the photo you want us to use (from your blog)
3) you can message Carol Lowbeer on Facebook or see her Dec 28 post in the group, CATS WITH BLOGS if you are a member.
or 1st 20 cats
(we must have at least 10 cats to do the show!)
Hope to hear from you by the deadline!
Peaches, Paprika and Mom Carol. (we actually do the show and Mom Carol helps. us)
Hope to hear you soon and let's have a great MEW YEAR!
Peaches, Paprika & Mom Carol
So Peaches had her dental surgery yesterday...and unlike ME, she didn't even have to have any teeth pulled.
Now when I, Paprika had this done, I not only had to have 2 teeth pulled I acted like a little lady afterwards. I laid down quietly .... and bothered NO one.
But that's me.
Peaches went to great lengths to disobey instructions.
She tried to jump on things.
She tried to climb things she wasn't supposed to.
Our human had to chase her all over the house.
THEN...she sat by her food bowl...for THREE HOURS.
Naturally no one paid any attention to ME during this time. I mean, I live here too!
At last, following vet instructions, our human gave her 1/2 a meal and she appeared to settle down. And then our human took her to the den (where she spends most of her time), gave her more food, water, a hug, and she was near her litter pan. She closed the door so Peaches would stop roaming the house restlessly and getting into trouble.
Having no choice, she got out of bed and followed me and I led her to the den where Peaches was making a racquet. Of course she had to let Peaches out.
But THEN Peaches demanded breakfast...at 1:30AM. Well here's what I did. I joined her. After all, there's such a thing as solidarity. So we BOTH SAT By OUR PLATES AND MEOWED FOR BREAKFAST AT 1:30AM.
Poor Mom Carol. She HAD to feed us if she wanted to get any sleep. And I had an early 1:30AM breakfast right along with Peaches.
So Mom Carol got finally to go back to sleep.
The next morning it was like nothing happened. Maybe I dreamed this whole thing. Peaches was her old self, back at her post in the den in the sun and I... well I feel like a hero, helping out my sister. After all, it might be my turn next!
Respectfully submitted,
Paprika the cat