Sunday, January 26, 2025

OUR COLORFUL CAT CANVAS STORE - Valentine Approaches!'s the story....We put together an Etsy Store for C-A-T-S last year, but have been shy about spreading the word.  However, being as how it's valentine, we cannot resist!  We designed tons of cat-related themes, and they can be wall prints, purses, totes, mugs, and more. Link to your shop is below.

Best yet, we're doing many PURR-SONALIZED MUGS and T-Shirts and Totes.  Here are a few we designed.  Let us know if you like them. THESE ARE ALL FOR REAL CATS who are our FB friends & many have ordered them!

The collages are from things we made for our facebook group -- mugs with their cat on it and so forth.  So below is another collage.  

But I do not want you to neglect ME or Paprika, so I started things off with a beautiful mug likeness of me.  I'm made for Love, I aways said! 

- Peaches the Cat

We're joining Cat On My Head's Sunday hop today. (is it Sunday already...time is way too fleeting and fast!)

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Peaches wishing you a Happy Red Caturday

 Happy Red CATURDAY! Mom Carol is so silly, she gets these fancy little blankets and thinks she can turn me into a Valentine Cat. And look at what she made me wear! Not so fast, human! I'll do valentine when I'm good & ready. I could not resist posing a bit but you can see from my uplifted chin that I have alittle bit of Catttude about this! (fortunately that red thing is loose-fitting...) At least I got a chance to show off my Snow White paws! Does YOUR human make you do silly things? 

-- Peaches the cat 

Today we're joining Athena & Marie's Caturday's been TOO long...