Thursday, May 23, 2019

Rainbow Memorial Slideshow Announcement

Hello all, for the 3rd year we are going to honor kitties who crossed the bridge of our blogger and Facebook friends.

  If you are interested in having your kitty included and you haven't been in our previous shows, please contact me via comment, or on Facebook, or you can post your kitties photo  and date of passing on our Facebook page.

 Here is Peaches & Paprika's FB link:

 Or if its easier you can post a link here in the comments.

If your kitties were in previous shows, reposting not necessary, as we will be showing all the shows on Memorial Day!  Condolences to all who are missing their companions!

Hugs, Carol, Peaches & Paprika

PS: Here is list of some bloggers in previous shows so if your name is here, your kitty is already included!

Lorraine Miller - Rosie
Melissa Lapierre - Tara and Truffles
Pamela June Kimmel - Sammy
Sharon K Spiegenhalter - Tamil & Sniffles
Ellen Pilch - Lucy, Stinky
Colehaus Cats - Maxx
Dashkitten - Peanut
Jans Funny Farm - Cameron

Others: Kashim, Georgia, Moosey, Mr. Kitty, Raven, Radish


  1. What Brian said.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

  2. That is so nice of you, I know it will be a lot of work, but it is appreciated so much. Thanks.

  3. Such a wonderful thing to do. We can't thank you enough for the hard work, but we love seeing or reading about the sweet memories these kitties who are at the bridge now. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  4. Hey sweet girls, thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. Replies
    1. I wrote you twice on FB and by email. Did not hear back yet!!!
