Sunday, May 26, 2024

10th Annual Kitties Rainbow Memorial Day

 This is our annual show featuring our Facebook and many of our blogger friends.  (10 bloggers' cats!)  We're sorry we could not include everyone but did the best we could!  Here are the bloggers listed in this show (and the others are our loyal FB friends with us daily)

The Island Cats - Sue Doute - Ernie

Dawn - Lola the Rescued Cat - Lola

Sharon - Friends Forever - Raz

15 & Meowing - Ellen Pilch - Joanie, Lucy, Elvira

Sherry Katz - Pumpkin

Terry - Brian's Home - Brian

Stunning Keisha

The Upchurches - Kommando Kitty

Colehaus Cats - Olivia

Bonniwe Koenig - Ichiria

Love and Blessings to all!

Carol, Peaches and Paprika


  1. That was a beautiful and touching slideshow of those sweeties who our no longer physically with us but still live in our hearts.

  2. Beautiful slideshow. Thank you for including Raz.

  3. That was beautiful, but sad to lose so many friends.

  4. Such a beautiful tribute to Heaven's newest angels. Thank you for putting it together and for including my 3. XO

  5. That's a really great memorial.

  6. How kind of you to show us these Angels. Loved and now waiting on the other side.

  7. This was so beautifully done. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  8. That was so beautiful, but it made Us all cry.
