Sunday, January 26, 2025

OUR COLORFUL CAT CANVAS STORE - Valentine Approaches!'s the story....We put together an Etsy Store for C-A-T-S last year, but have been shy about spreading the word.  However, being as how it's valentine, we cannot resist!  We designed tons of cat-related themes, and they can be wall prints, purses, totes, mugs, and more. Link to your shop is below.

Best yet, we're doing many PURR-SONALIZED MUGS and T-Shirts and Totes.  Here are a few we designed.  Let us know if you like them. THESE ARE ALL FOR REAL CATS who are our FB friends & many have ordered them!

The collages are from things we made for our facebook group -- mugs with their cat on it and so forth.  So below is another collage.  

But I do not want you to neglect ME or Paprika, so I started things off with a beautiful mug likeness of me.  I'm made for Love, I aways said! 

- Peaches the Cat

We're joining Cat On My Head's Sunday hop today. (is it Sunday already...time is way too fleeting and fast!)


  1. Such beautiful creations Mom likes the tote bags. She’s wondering if you have thought of creating scarves? We really appreciate you joining the hop today. Have a good week. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  2. That is a totally adorable mug shot!!!

  3. Congrats on the new Etsy store. I will check it out. XO

  4. What fun! Thank you for sharing. I asked Mrs H if we could have a whole dinner service with yours truly on. Strangely, she said NO!
    You have a wonderful week.🙂

  5. Wow, you have some really nice designs.
