Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy St Catrick's Day

 Irish Blessing:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun rise warm upon your face,
and the rain fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
may god hold you in the hollow of his hand

Wishing you a happy & peaceful day with lots of corned beef!

About the photo;  Peaches & Paprika commune in a rare moment of comfort after return from vet visit.  Familiar ground (and a little cat kiss) at last! (Graphic by Imikimi).


  1. Happy St. Catrick's Day, Peaches, Paprika, and Mom Carol! Wishing you meany blessings and much luck today and every day!

  2. Happy St. Patrick's Day from all of us!

  3. Happy Wearing o' the Green Day! Here's to lots of corned beef treats!

  4. That's a beautiful picture of the love and affection between your two amazing girls! Aww :)

  5. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Our peeps are having corned beef...we're having chicken!

  6. Happy St.Patrick's Day to you two cuties and your wonderful Mom. XO

  7. Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you!

    Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William

  8. We wish you both a very happy St Patricks Day dear friends
    Timmy and Family
