Sunday, October 4, 2020

Our New CELEBRATIONS Book series - Autumn Ebook Free Today only

 Well we hardly even believe it but we put together our Celebrations Book Series based on our fun Facebook Page, and showing us celebrating all the fun, quirky holidays in the year.

And today ONLY you can download the Autumn Celebrations e-book free of charge by clicking this link.

Here is a picture & description of the Autumn picture book: 

Book description:

In this entertaining little book, Peaches and Paprika celebrate quirky holidays taking place in the months of October, November and December. Unusual holidays such as "National Happy Day for Cats," Cyber Monday for Cats in November and "Faux Fur Friday" in December are among those days observed in charming photo illustrations. Of course the traditional holidays like Halloween (called Meow-leen), Thanksgiving and Cat-mas are celebrated as well. This book makes a perfect small gift for a seasonal occasion. 


How the heck did we get these books finished while we were moving?  No way! We finished them before the move.  Our human could not even remember where everything was on her computer by the time she got her desk set up in our new digs!

Please do download our book while it's free if you can.  Reviews on Amazon greatly appreciated!

We are joining The Cat on My Head's Sunday hop and look forward to saying hello to our furrriends.  (if we have any left after being absent so long)


  1. Congratulations on the book, and thanks for a free opportunity, we love free!

  2. Well done! I am still tying to finish mine, and know just how difficult a job it is, especially if you have major changes to deal with too.
    Stay well and safe and enjoy your new home!

    1. Good Luck with yours. We found the process sheer tedium at times, but fun at the end and afterwards. we committed to a certain #hours - 1 or 2 - a day until done. It took a while, but eventually came to an end, tho we thought it never would!

  3. Thank u! We hope you will download the e-book which is free today till midnight!

  4. How fantastic!
    What great fun...thank you!

  5. We loved your last book and got the hardback! We cant wait to read this one and look for our review to come. Love you two and Mom too!

    1. Thank you. And thanks again for our review of our first book was totally amazing!!! We loved it.

  6. I got the book and will share asap for you both!

  7. I just downloaded. I will be sure to review. XO

  8. Many congratulations on the book!
