Sunday, December 6, 2020

2020 Cat Bloggers Holiday Show Announcement

 It's "That" time again!  Your cat(s) can be stars (and we hope they WILL be) again in our 2020 show which will be shown Christmas Eve!

Easy instructions:

1. Make Holiday Graphic (if you feel challenged in this regard, WE will do one FOR you.) Just let us know.  You can also use your holiday header if you like!

2. EMAIL to Carol, Mom of Peaches & Paprika at the address in the announcement

3. Include:  Blog name, Blog address and Your name

4  IMPORTANT:  Put the words "HOLIDAY SLIDESHOW" in your email title (or we may miss it)

5. Deadline:  December 16.

See you there!

Mom Carol, Peaches & Paprika, Calico cats of distinction