Friday, December 2, 2022

We Celebrate Faux Fur Friday!

 First Friday in December is FAUX FUR FRIDAY ... and Oh what a holiday for cats.  Of course we's superstars today cuz we have REAL furs!  
Here are some other cameo shots of US. (There's one where our human tried to "horn in!"

Mom Carol should have known better.  She can NEVER look like us. Though we understand she might want to!

who wouldn't?

Being bonafide tiger-calicos, we're deeply into tiger as you can clearly see!

But we were told, there's more to cat-hood and "Faux Fur Friday" than being a tiger....there's LEOPARD & CHEETAH to think about! 
I, Paprika, DO appreciate the thought of Leopards...even though....

I don't know what THIS next fur is, but it sure feels fine! - Peaches the cat

Shhh...we heard through the cat-vine there are OtHER furs to luxuriate on...

But whatever fur, you're handing out on, you'll agree that these soft textures encourage a good cat-strrrretch!

Read more about Faux Fur Friday here!  It started in the 1920's and was really a go-to apparel in the crazy 1970's!  And it spares our furry friends from getting bothered with trying to get their furs away from them...a boon to us Fur-balls, don't you think?