Monday, January 11, 2016

Pet Blogger Challenge 2016

Inspired by The Cat on My Head's recent post, (they just completed the 2016 Pet Blogger Challente) I decided to defer everything else I was doing today to take the challenge as well!  

So here are the answers to their questions:

1. How long have you been blogging?

I am still in my 1st year and March 2016 is my blogoversary! (It feels like I've been here forever, thought!) My blog is about my 2 beloved tiger-calicos, Peaches & Paprika. I also feature guest "cats-of-the-mont" & musical slideshows I make of local shelters here in Connecticut to enhance adoption efforts. I started blogging out of a love for Peaches & Paparika and the wish to be part of a similiary minded community.

2.    What is the one thing that you accomplished during 2015, either on your blog or because of it, that made you most proud?

I coordinated a TV series called CAT TAILS on our local community station in summer 2015, dedicated to the health & welfare of all cats. The shows were broadcast online & in 8 local communities. Our guests included a therapy cat organization, a local vet speaking on "the fat cat," animal reiki, a CT TNR clinic and many more interesting guests.
I 3. Which of your blog posts was your favorite this year and why? (Please include a link.)
I I had recently accidentally learned through internet growing that my Peaches & Paprika were briefly on "death row" before I met them. My favorite post of the year was called "Remembering Our Shelter Days"  and Our Narrow Escape from New York City." --  telling my kitties' story from their nights on the dreaded "euthanasia list" at NYACC to their journey to Connecticut where I met, fell in love with and adopted them. I included quotes from hundreds of volunteers whose posts, shares &  donations saved them. I will always be grateful to these dedicated volunteers! 

4. What is one thing you've done in the past year that has brought more traffic to your blog?
    Actually...I hope to increase readership this year but I don't think I've been very talented in bringing more traffic to my blog. Probably if anything increased readership, it was getting more involved with the community in this, my first year.  One example is a Christmas slideshow icreated, involving about 30 or 40 members of the blogging community.  I hope to do more of this.

  5.  Which of your blog posts got the most traffic this year?  Why do you think it was so popular? (please include a link)
     That would be International Box Day The wonderful Ann Adamus, gifted and generous person behind the Zoolatry  blog created some amazing collages of Peaches & Paprika and we had a co-celebrant, Luke of Jan's Funny Farm. I think the post' s popularity was due to the fun celebration and that it was done in tandem with Ann's and Jan's help and participation. Community building for sure!
6. What is one blog that you read religiously – other than your own – and what makes you such a devoted reader? 
 I read Glogirly's  blog because I particularly admire its creativity, sharp, varied photography, and general cleverness. (Please include a link.) I am also a regular reader of many more!
7. What resources do you rely on to enhance your technical, writing, photography, social media, or other skills that improve your blog?
I have written all my life and also have a part time photography business so I use those skills a lot. I add to the skills by creating animal slideshows with captions and music.  It’s incredible though how much I have learned from other bloggers as to really fun photographic and other software. It has really revolutionized my life!
8. What is the best piece of advice you can offer other bloggers?
Balance, balance, balance!  It’s so easy to be swept away with the fun of blogging and letting it take over your life.  Keeping blogging in proportion and still having a good time is the best piece of advice I can offer. I just need to take it myself!
9. What is your vision for your blog in 2016? Do you have specific goals?  I hope to become more involved with the blogging and animal loving community in general. I hope to widen my range of social media to additional avenues than blog/facebook, and also to learn to use Wordpress so I can have a wider range of creative options on my blog.
10. You have the attention of the pet blogging community – is there one blogging challenge you’d like help with, or one aspect of your blog that you’d like input on?
I would like to learn more about how to expand my other social media sources in additional to blog/facebook. Beginning with understandiang how Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram work in tandem with my blog. Also to learn Wordpress so I'll have more options available to me.


  1. Congrats on almost finishing your first year :)
    Ahhhh to be in the "honeymoon" phase again ;)

  2. You are so right about the balance issue. It's something I struggle with, too! Best of luck with the new social sites. Personally, I am a huge Twitter fan. It's hard to stick with the short word count, but it's a great place to show off photography. You'll love it!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  3. Pawsum posty. We are so glad da girls was saved and you all became a family. Dat's always sumfin' to share. We did miss da linky's to those posts, but we hope you stick around. And wordpress is easy peasy compared to blogger. Least we think so. And there's lots more options. Have a pawsum day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  4. You're doing well for your first year!

  5. We sure enjoyed your answers and if you wouldn't had said you were a new blogger we wouldn't have known. You seem like a pro to us!

  6. We enjoyed reading your answers. You did great for your first year blogging ! Purrs

  7. I enjoyed your answers. I think you are doing a great job and I loved the Cat Tails episodes.
