Saturday, December 30, 2017

Our Red & White Hoiday week

Today we're joining Athena and Marie's Caturday art hop, celebrating a wonderful  red & white week.  First, we want to show off a collage we made of some of our Secret Paws gifts from Friends Furever...AND...our new "red and white" christmas castle - a present from our doting human! AND a stunning red and white handmade FLEECE blanket by Friends Furever's Sharon --part of our Secret Paws.

The girls occupy their time by arguing over "who gets the top shelf in the castle" and "who gets the fleece blanket."  

You can guess who's usually on top!

Our new blanket from Secret Paws friend, Friends Furever! (modeled by Peaches the cat)

Fortunately there's enough Red and White to go around this year.