Sunday, February 25, 2018

When Your Human Retires

Peaches' Life Change

I'm hoping I can get some advice here and appreciate any insights. Well my life has been turned upside down this month.  To a human, maybe not a big a CAT, cataclysmic!

Well as you know we are creatures of  habit and I had this nice little routine going on around 7PM called my "Welcome Ceremony." It was more than a routine, it was the high point of my day. But THEN, my human did something unexpected called "retiring from work." Never heard of it. 


But I continue...Before all this occurred I would wait & wait for my human to come home from work.  I poured my heart & soul into a joyful welcome that would melt anyone's heart.  I RAN to the front door when I heard her keys jingle, I stuck my snow white paw OUTSIDE the door as she opened it, then jumped on the entrance table, gave a glad,chirpy meow and communed with her. And her hats! 

It was the centerpiece of my life and our days together, the Welcome Home event. 


 BUT human usually comes home when I am SOUND ASLEEP! This leaves me in a quandary as to what to do.  Get up? Not get up?  Half get up?


And I miss it!

I  have tried to cope, but I am AMBIVALENT! Sometimes, l just sleep through her whole arrival (something I NEVER did) and hope she understands. She looks disappointed though so I don't think she does. Other times the lure of habit is too strong. Keys=Welcome time!   So, other times, not quite awake, I'll stumble out to the front door, looking quite dazed and "out of it."  I make a half-hearted jump onto the entrance table but my human can tell I'm "not with it" and orders me back to bed.

Should I interrupt my nap? Can't decide what to do. Why do things have to change???!  What do YOU think?  Shall I be more flexible? 
How do I become less confused?

Paprika's Dilemna

I, Paprika, have different priorities.  My crisis time is 10AM.  Peaches no longer plays with me in the morning (it was our little secret). So after my human's breakfast, I meow poignantly at HER.  At first she thought I was still hungry. Finally she realized, I wanted her to chase me around the room for half an hour  the way Peaches used to do.  Don't you think this is a reasonable request if a human is home?

Carol's Story

I'm so used to Peaches' welcoming me for 5 years at the  door, it's a shock to  find her sleeping on the job! Bless her heart, she really does try, & sometimes stumbles groggily to the door when she hears my keys, even though half awake.  Awwww.. now that's sweet!

7PM Ritual  and new Meowings:

Other times, suddenly at 7pm out of the clear blue sky & when I haven't left the house all day she'll suddenly meow loudly and run to the little entrance table wanting some loving. (usually I'm in the middle of making dinner!) Naturally I interrupt and...

 I'm also trying to get used to little Paprika's strange 10AM meowings which she never did before.  I can't say chasing Paprika around the living room is my idea of how to spend my retirement but... (Takes all kinds!)

My colleagues at work used to say al the time "Well now you'll get to spend more time with Peaches & Paprika."  Hah! Little did they (and I) realize ....

Hopefully we will all work it out though! 

 Right, Peaches? Right, Paprika?


  1. I work from home so I don't have this but I can see the trauma!!! I hope they enjoy a new routine soon.

    Have a wonderful Sunday

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

    1. Thank U fur understanding our dilemma. I think I'll be making a trip to the welcome table every evening so we can stop these nap interruptions! Best wishes & thanx for visiting.-Peaches the cat

  2. I'm shure y'all will figger out a new routine!

    1. Thank U for visiting! We're working on it. Iand working on it...and)

  3. It is very much a trauma for both humans and us cats as I found out last year. Routine is king so you need to formalise some replacement ceremonies around the usual times. Also you need the human to be going back to work somewhere, anywhere so they arrive to your loving at your time... The rest is down to you and your patience and guiding paw.. Lovely selfies and easies, by the way.
    Toodle pips and purrs

    1. Thank U for this so thoughtful reply and your good wishes! Didn't realize how much "routine is king!"

  4. Change is hard, especially when you've had such a well-planned routine. I'm sure you'll all get used to the new way of life in time! :)

    1. Thank U for your good wishes. We are still mumbling & grumbling 'bout routine changes but will make it through to the other side!

  5. Oh I totally understand, the Dad has stayed home since the end of December, it's very confusing.

    1. Doesn't take much to upset a routine, we learned! Thanks for sharing your experience and visiting!

  6. There are some adjustments coming. Not that WE experienced those, but Skeeter and LC did and they told Alya and she told me and we told Marley. He doesnt believe us sometimes about when TBT wasnt HERE all day. Sometimes we don't believe it ourselfs. We are all actually TBT all day... ~ IZA

    1. Here, not here...we never realized it was such a big deal! thanx for sharing your experiences!

  7. Change is hard.
    Hang in there you'll figure it out.

    Noodle and crew

  8. Cats don't like change, but I am sure they will adjust. :)

  9. Awwww ladies that is a big change, but mew know change can be good... it means mew get to see more of your mom which = more pats, more treats, more cuddles... in fact just more! MOL

    Oh here's a bit of good news that will cheer mew up, your epically epic goodie bag is on the way - WOO HOO!

    Big hugs

    Basil & CO xox

  10. You girls do have problems, don't you? Mudpie wants to know when her Mommy can retire.

  11. It must be confusing for you girls, but don't worry, you will soon work out your new routine.

  12. New routines can be upsetting but we know you'll figure it out together.

    The Florida Furkids

  13. We totally understand. Our mom retired a little over a year ago and at first, we didn't know what to do because she was around all the time. But we learned we could get fed earlier instead of 6 or 7pm like before. And that is a huge advantage!

  14. Girls, you will love having your mom home once you get accustomed to it. All of us, except Misty May and Mauricio, know nothing else. Once you realize you can bother Mom Carol whenever you want, you'll be happy to have a change in your schedule. Thanks for waking up enough to hop. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  15. Oh, Peaches & Paprika I’m sure you’ll all get into a new routine. These things take a period of adjustment is all. Just think of all that extra time your momma will have now to showere you with attention! CONCATS Miss Carol on your retirement! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

    1. But she's waking me up from my important Nap! - Peaches the cat
      Don't listen to Peaches! She's MARRIED to her routines! =Paprika the cat
      Thank U Kerry for your thoughtful reply! - Carol the human

  16. Gawjus fotos of 3 gawjus ladies. Our mommy's never left the house to work. But, our lives did change when we got the catputer. Sis Lexi and me didn't really know how to act fur a long time. But, mommy made sure to give us lots of extra attention and cuddles and befur long, we were all havin' a blast. Good luck to ya'll on findin' the mew normal. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  17. Aww... You'll get used to the change, I'm sure. I'm lucky because my mum is home with me all day as she works from home. I hate her having to go out and will get upset if she leaves me alone for too long.

    Purrs xx

  18. I'm sure it will work out fine. Since we live here, Granny is home all the time, I like that, now I wake her even earlier than ever before...MOL :D Pawkisses for a Happy Day :) <3
