Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Preparing for Halloween

There was a rumor this year we may have to wear REAL costumes inspire of the kind our human has been putting on us by computer. Don't know what got into her but  I spied on the window sill a mysterious black hat which didn't belong there!  Our human prepared a little 1 min video of all this...

Here is the final results of our and her efforts!



Not sure a bout having to wear a HAT...
And then I saw the HAT!


This way I can roll around and be sumptuous and impress my many fans!

Our Group Photo


  1. You two are adorable! Happy Halloween from all of us!

  2. So cute. Loved the video too. You two look fabulous.

    Have a purrfect happy Halloween. My best to your mom. ♥

  3. You look great with your costume ! Happy Halloween ! Purrs

  4. Happy Halloween Peaches and Paprika, mew look EPICALLY EPIC!!!!!

    Wishing mew a spooktacular evening ~ MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    The B Team xox

  5. you guys do look spooky (and classy!!) in those costumes!! I am lucky Frodo lets me dress him up for longer than 30 seconds!! Have a great weekend!
