Saturday, January 26, 2019

Pastel Peaches on a Pedestal - Caturday Art

My human decided I should be put on a pedestal for my pastel peaches portrait for Caturday Art.  Well I should think so!  So what if it's just the high perch of my cat condo?  It gives me prominence, don't you think? And prominence is what this girl enjoys!

we are joining Athena & Marie's Caturday Art hop this week and look forward to visiting other beautiful kitties...!


  1. Height is very impawtant! I INSIST on talking to TBT at eye level or higher... ~ AYLA

  2. Your pastel art is lovely, and you deserve to be worshipped on a pedestal. In fact you could say you are, Pretty Pastel Peaches on a Pedestal.

  3. Of Course you should be put on a pedestal, you're a cat. MOL
    Lovely art.

  4. You are on top of the world, Peaches!

  5. This is really beautiful art!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  6. We think you should ALWAYS be on a pedestal!!

    The Florida Furkids

  7. Of course you should be put on a pedestal. You’re a cat and that’s where we belong!
