Thursday, August 13, 2020

Peaches' Love Attack


Evil Peaches? 
Okay so we all have our "moments."
Anyone who knows me knows i can have a strong "purr-sonality." One thing is, I'm VERY affectionate.  I feel LOVE should be on MY timetable, though. Lately my human has been very busy at the exact same time I'm having a LOVE ATTACK & feeling passionate. Here's my latest bid for affection when my human was buried in her computer.  I'm NOT shy about asking for love when I'm "in the mood."  Do you think I'm being unreasonable?

We are joining Thankful Thursday's hop today. And as far as being thankful, I am thankful there exists a lap to be sat on!


  1. The World belongs to cats, Peaches, so if it's what you want, when you want should GET IT!

  2. Anytime is good for loving time with the kitties!

  3. That's a terrific thankful sweet Peaches, lap on demand is a must! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. No you're not being unreasonable one bit. I always side with the kitties.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your mom. ♥

  5. You are not unreasonable in the least Peaches. We get upset when the Dad does the puter thing when we need a bit of loving. We plant ourselves right there until he listens (We admit we have spots we have to sit in or get the Shoo. Aw Poo)

  6. You are absolutely right! Humans should bow to our needs when we want them to. Enough of this waiting because they're working!

  7. You look very determined to get your loving!

  8. Hey, she can work while you sit on her lap. She needs to learn to multitask. ;)

  9. Ahahaha no you are not unreasonable Peaches, kitties should be snuggled when they are in a snuggling mood!

  10. You deserve love whenever you want it. XO

  11. TBTs answer is almost allus "yes". But sometimes he is about to get up, so no. But most of the time it means "feed us"so we never object to THAT!

  12. Your comments made my human laugh. She thinks I look evil in this picture. You don't see ME laughing though. Love is serious biz!!
