Sunday, December 27, 2015


One of Ellen's wonderful decorations!
BOY did our human, Ms. Carol get lucky!  She got an invite to Ms. Ellen Pilch's of to spend Christmas Day!  Okay, true, she should have stayed with us.  But we let her go this one time advising she MUST be home by dark! Today we will allow her to share with you the wonderful cats she said she met at Ms. Ellen's...on the condition WE get to show off our gifts next time!

So the first thing she saw was an identifying sign, so that she KNEW she was in the right place!

Note: For those wanting to see ALL the photos from Ms Ellen's house, click on the 4 minutes'll be almost as fast as seeing the pictures and will give you the full "flavor" of the day!  Meowwwrowwww!  CHRISTMAS AT ELLEN PILCH'S HOUS

Then, before and after a scrumptious dinner, she met "the katz" (well, most of them), and got to watch them (and the humans) open their presents! 

(Below: Phoebe, Joanie and Stinky wait for the fun to begin!

 Ellen assists Joanie in opening her present!

 Just what I wanted!

 Millie watches the action from a safe distance

 Ellen reassures Jinx he is "next!"

Sammy doesn't wait to be "reassured" - he plunges right in!

Settle down everyone!  (David, Ellen's hubby, tries to bring order to the event)

Ka-Two, meanwhile, takes a well-deserved subath!

A gift pack for the kitties from Carol awaits..

SAMMY: I must know what is in it IMMEDIATELY!

Stinky's new cowboy hat fits Purrrrfectly!

Sammy:  Is there CATNIP is this package?

Phoebe is up for some major exercise...on her new reindeer blanket!
(wonder where that came from?)

Well, Carol thought it was a wonderful afternoon, packed with cats, goodies, Ellen's great family and delicious food.  It was a wonderful experience to meet all those cats she'd been reading about. They are even sweeter than they look in Ellen's blog. So are Ellen's family!  Thanks Ellen for a great afternoon!  We would like to have our human back now, though.


  1. It looks like your mom and Ellen had great time ! It's wonderful and so much fun to meet other bloggers offline ! Purrs

  2. How wonderful cat blogging Moms got to spend Christmas together! Great pictures!

  3. What a great way to spend Christmas Day! It sure looks like your mom had a fun time. And so did all of the kitties.

  4. That sure looks like a totally wonderful visit!

  5. are so sweet. Thank you for posting about your visit. We all had a great time visiting with you ( humans and kitties). And you were way too generous with my cats- they love their gifts. We hope you can visit us again and I can't wait to meet Peaches and Paprika. XO

  6. Kitties' humans seem to like getting together! It sounds like you had a lovely time!! xx

  7. How fun to spend Christmas day with Ellen and her kitties! It was fun to see so many of them. All the pics are great, but I really like Stinky in his cowboy hat (LOL) and Ka-Two looks beautiful!

  8. How wonderful your mom could visit Ellen and the kitties

  9. I know you two missed her, Peaches and Paprika, but it looks like your mom had a lovely visit with Ellen and her kitties! It was very sweet of you to let her go. Purrs!

  10. What fun!
    Happy Sunday Selfies
    Annabelle, Boo, Ping, & Mr Jinx

  11. That was a great visit with Ellen and her cats.

  12. What a wonderful holiday! I love the cowboy hat present the very best. So stylish!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  13. Your Mommy got to visit 15 and Meowing!?!? We is just a little jealous.
    What a fun Christmas!
    Nellie (@ Mommy's Blog)

  14. How awesome that you got to visit Mom Ellen!!! That must have been so much fun to meet her and all of the kitties. Thank you for sharing about your visit with us!

  15. That is SO exciting that you got to spend Christmas with a blogging friend!!!

  16. It's wonderful you all met and had such a good time with the cats. :)

  17. OH I am so glad you had a good Christmas. Hapy New Year and see you at BlogPaws maybe in 2016

  18. I'm way behind in my visiting, but Happy New Year!
    Your visit sure looked like fun and it's nice to see all the pictures.
    Stinky in his cowboy hat is so funny.
    Maggie, Mickey Mouser, and Rufus the Red
