Sunday, December 20, 2015

Interference with Holiday Cards

Today my human took part in a useless task called "sending Christmas cards."  I positioned myself in the middle of it all  to provide her with a much better alternative---Me!
--- signed, Peaches the Cat  

I hate to agree with Peaches but I feel we MUST get the spotlight back. I'll try anything. But usually the Long Cat posture works.  What do YOU think?---Signed, Paprika 

Which one got my attention?  They both did!  I could not resist them any longer! 
--- Signed, Carol the Human


  1. M says she couldn't resist that long cat pose either. That's a great one. You really get nice and long too.

  2. I'm impressed with the long you fur sure!

  3. Both of you look adorable. My mum spent too much time writing cards too instead of giving me cuddles.

  4. Oh dear me who could resist either one of you?
    Happy Sunday!
    Annabelle, Boo, Ping, & Mr Jinx

  5. Who could resist ? You both look so cute ! Purrs

  6. The Long Cat pose would definitely keep me from doing my chores.

  7. Our Silver does that, you are all made out of India Rubber!!!

  8. We don't blame you -- how could you resist them?! They are irresistible!!

  9. Irresistible! You two cuties sure know how to get your mom's attention.

  10. You two girls do look exceptionally sweet and irresistible! We hope your human was able to complete her cards :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  11. You are much more fun than working on cards.

  12. It takes werk from Cat an Bein to get good Chrissymouse Cards send! TBT made the cards. We licked the envelopes. Twice. Yuck! After that, he used a damp cloth. But we helped!

  13. Merry Christmas new furriends! I do a great "long cat" too. xox

  14. Wow. Long Paprika is quite impressive. No wonder your mom couldn't resist! Purrs and Merry (almost) Christmas!

  15. Who can resists such a asking face and stretching all over, while holding paws...I couldn't :D Pawkisses for a wonderful Christmastime :) <3

  16. Peaches that look always gets Mom L and Paprika, TKS does that loooonnngg stretch and always makes her laugh

  17. Oh, the long cat position is the best. We like the Drape Cat position too. Draping one over mom's arms while she is typing or writing works wonders in this household. Have a wonderful Chrissymouse!

  18. Good job with the distraction techniques Peaches and Paprika. It is always worth it once you get a good ear scratching.

  19. Both are so adorable, great selfies fur sure!
