Saturday, June 18, 2016

Happy International Box Day

Peaches & Paprika return from sabbatical to celebrate International Box Day 2016

What the H.... is Paprika doing down there?

Peaches come down here! These are great boxes!

Hmmm....this bears closer scrutiny

Oh, Okay, if you insist...I'll join you!

 An inelegant view of Peaches' backside...dig that white leg patch!

I'll get there, I'll get there!

Quiz:   WHICH CAT IS THIS, PEACHES OR PAPRIKA? (They look alike from the back!)

 ANYWAY, WE BOTH WISH YOU HAPPY INTERNATIONAL BOX DAY...And may you find boxes where-ever you go!

Signed, Peaches, Paprika and Carol


  1. the two of you are having a fun time. I am forced to play with my human.

  2. the two of you are having a fun time. I am forced to play with my human.

  3. Looks like Paprika... and me am guessing dat cause it the box nearest the wall and Paprika was getting in derh... Unless Peaches claimed the box from Paprika? Purrz from Katie Kitty Too.

  4. Happy International Box Day!
    We see you two are having a great time!!
    We guess Peaches.
    Happy Caturday.

  5. That is nice that you each have a box. You look great. Happy International Box Day!

  6. So much fun, so few boxes!!

  7. Whoa! Twin boxes for twin kitties. Happy Box Day!

  8. Cute! Happy Box Day!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  9. Looks like you both had a great Box Day!
