Saturday, July 22, 2017

Caturday Art - Rennovation Pix recreated

Since we were all in a "blue" mood during the renno, our human thought she'd try some online fun with "Art Effect" with our renno pix. The actual experience was, um, colorful" in a different way. We are joining the Caturday Art blog hop to say hello and will be over soon!


  1. That's great, colourful art, Peaches and Paprika. Renovations are very annoying, they really stress me out, especially all the strangers that come to your house.... Double Pawkiss for a relaxed weekend :) <3

  2. these are nice. We've never heard of Art Effect before.

  3. I like all of those effects. I think the 3rd is my favourite. I hope your renovations are soon finished so you can get back to normal.

  4. Very colorful art this week, girls. We hope the renno is going okay and it will be over soon.

  5. Those all turned out fabulous! Why not have a little fun while you're dealing with such chaos, right?
