Saturday, March 24, 2018

Paprika, "Psycho-Kitten"

 I insist on having the limelight at least one-third of the time.  No one can ignore me in my "psycho" effect.

Whoops. I meant psychedelic.  I'm not used to all this finery!

I was promised I'd look more kittenish in this effect.  Even tho I'm 7 now I still feel like a kitten.

Here's what I looked like before all the fuss.

I think I like the "psycho" effect better, er psychedelic. We are joining Athena & Marie's Caturday Art hop today and look forward to seeing our other dressed up fuurrriends!


  1. You look great as a psycho kitten, Paprika! You're right--no one would dare ignore you :)

  2. Wow! You look really curly and psycho...I mean psychedelic. Great art!

  3. You are beautiful and we think the art is fab!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  4. You're looking very kitten..ish, Paprika and we like the psycho-effect too, much better than the psycho in Hitchcock's movie :D Pawkisses for a Happy Caturday :) <3
