Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Dress Up Your Pet Day - Blue Bonnet Paradise

Hello, Peaches the "dressed up" cat here! We are not big "dress up" cats, but Looove our blue bonnet, which was a gift from Miss Ellen of 15 and Meowing when we first her at a cool cat fair in Massachusetts! We posted these photos in a previous year, but how can we resist sharing the again on such a momentous occasion as Dress Up Your Pet Day!
What I've always liked about this bonnet is it's cool "ear action"

and as you can see it looks just as scrumptious from the side!

The ear action is un-equalled, I tell you!

Now as you can (see (last two pictures) my sis-fur Paprika doesn't "get" the purpose of this item.  She thinks you're supposed to lie on top of it.  Hopeless case!  Now a cautionary word to the world at large! Be sensitive to your kitties' er, "inclinations."  Most do NOT like dress up.  There are always "virtual dress ups" which mom Carol likes to do most of the time.  Or your kitty could lie next to something festive.  What sort of "stuff" does your kitty like on him/her or to lie on top of?


  1. You look cute in the blue bonnet. Paprika has her own ideas for it.

  2. Aw, you look so cute in your bonnet, Peaches. Nice that it has holes for your ears.

  3. Aww, that's a cute bonnet! We dressed our mancats up in t-shirts ('cause, that's all I have!), but maybe I'll find some nifty headgear like yours someday!

  4. Awww..you both look adorable. Glad you still have it :) XO

  5. You look great for "dress up" day!!

    The Florida Furkids
