Thursday, June 18, 2015

Cookies gives "Scratching Post Lessons to her three Crumbs (Part 3 of 3)

Cookie teaches her Crumbs, Biscuit, Keebler & Graham  how to use the scratching post

Here, our rivals, "the crumbs" appear for the last time.  Cookie, the abandoned Calico cat living in Our Companions Animal Sanctuary is giving her "Crumbs" their first lesson on how to use the all-important "Post" - something every good feline citizen MUST learn.

Come with me little one
This is how you do it!
Doesn't look too hard

I think I've GOT IT!
I hope they're gonna
remember everything!

For more information on Cookie and her 3 "crumbs" - Biscuit, Keebler & Graham, please visit the website of Our Companions Animal Sanctuary in Ashford, Connecticut.


  1. What pretty "crumbs" and they look so cute.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  2. Oh my goodness that was so sweet and we just love the names!!
    Hoping for forever and ever homes for all!

  3. What a good mom she is. Thati is so cute.

  4. Love their names! They are absolutely adorable!!!

  5. hay ewe wee kittehz....yez inn deed ewe R doin it that scratchin post just whooz boss !! ♥♥ cookie, ewe R a grate teecher ~~~~~ ♥

  6. Very sweet photos, what a good Mom she is.
