Sunday, April 28, 2019

Pet Parent Day Selfies - A little exra love!

Hello, Peaches here! Today our selfies celebrate  Pet Parents Day! (Last Sunday in April).    It was not easy to grab this selfie but I snuggled extra close to help. Today gives you humans an excuse to give your fur-alls an EXTRA tidbit of love -  treat, an extra round with the wand toy, an automated toy inside a paper bag? A new used box?

Photo #1, (left): This is the way I assist my human's
trip to slumberland - I snuggle against her cheek for 20 minutes, purring loudly.  As you can see from this recent photo, my charms are at work!

Picture #2:  (right)"  My shy sis-fur Paprika hanging out. The reason her eyes are closed is that her eyes are perpetually closed when there is a camera nearby.  

I ALWAYS get the right side of our mutual human, leaving the left to Paprika.  We know our territories!

Our human is lucky to be acquainted with such great cuddlers! But now its time for OUR treats and thank you presents. How about you humans...what extra goodies will you give YOUR cats for Pet Parents Day?


  1. Aww those are such nice cossy selfies you have, and yes, we generally close our eyes, or, have a look of disdain from being awoken to take a picture, MOL Now we don't celebrate that here as every day is special when there are just two of you. You have such lovely selfies there, and I hopes you all have a snuggly sunday.

  2. Don't they look lovely, and so helpful. I can't sleep well without Harvey cuddling close. Senior or not he is a gem of a boy.

  3. Those sure are some wonderful snuggles!

  4. Very sweet. Happy Pet Parent day!

  5. Those are some loving photos - Happy Pet Parents Day!

  6. I didn't know today is Pet Parent's Day until I visited your post. Thanks for making me aware. I hope to snuggle up with Mom on the sofa today for an afternoon nap. I enjoy snuggle time. Hugs.

  7. Such great shots of your pawrent! I should have got one of my Mom but I did not know what day it was. I did get one of my Dad though.
    And I am so furry happy that You Guys are doing the Pet Photo Fails! Now that I know you have taken over from Cuddywhumpus I shall try to make sure we pawticipate. Alas I have not had much of a chance to do anything this week because of company!

  8. I love to see those adorable little cuddlers.

  9. What great selfies with your mom. Happy Pet Parents Day!

  10. You both really know how to cuddle your mom. We all have places too. I am on Dads right most nights under the covers or sheet depending on how warm it is. Buddy Budd is on Dads left while Rumpy is against his calf, Toby against his thigh, Einstein in the crook of his legs and Miss Fitz right under his right arm.
    We played with Dad in the Cat-Room and he also did wand play in the kitchen with Toby, Rumpy and Einstein. I like alone time in the Cat-Room licking my Nanner.
    What a wonderful day today was. Thanks you two you are always so cute

  11. What a great way to spend Pet Parents Day!!

    The Florida Furkids
