Thursday, April 11, 2019

Happy National Pet Day to pet lovers everywhere

Well, we WERE going to take a well-deserved day off, but then YOU KNOW WHO advised us it is National Pet Day! She made a collage for the occasion and EVEN included D-o-g-s! Good thing she made a little room for US or we woulda had to rebel!

Happy National Pet Day to everyone!  Yet another day to hold your furry one close to your heart!


  1. Happy National Pet Day sweeties, you look beautious! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. That is a wonderful collage, you both look awesome!

  3. Every day is Pet Day! We hope you get lots of pets today. :)

  4. Wow!! You celebrated WAAAAY better than we did!

  5. We furgot all about it so you did our celebrating fur us
    Purrs Ladies
    Timmy and Family
