Saturday, February 22, 2020

Pie-eyed on MEOW-garita Day

It's Meow-garita Day and yet another excuse to celebrate!  We were told that the catnip meowgarita we're consuming is different from Human Margarita but we are feeling NOooo pain.

Peaches:  Well I, Peaches can complain.  Paprika has a traditional GREEN drink and mine is orange.
Paprika:  That's cuz you got here LATE, Peaches. Now start drinking!

Our human made the graphic today with photoshop, lunatic,  er Luna-pic, including the showering hearts effect and picmonkey.  And a few margaritas...Though the day is self-explanatory, more National Margarita Day info can be found here!

We are joining Athena and Marie for Caturday Hop Day!  Hola!!!!!


  1. Happy Margarita Day! That is a good excuse to make myself one tonight.

  2. Ah, my margarita drinking days are long gone, but it's fun to think about warm weather!

  3. Those meowgaritas look delicious, Peaches and Paprika😺Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend and cheers to you🐾😽💞

  4. Pawsome but I hope you're not stuck in Meowgaritaville.

  5. No need for a special day to enjoy a meowgarita!

  6. You two are Darling! We cats and Dad Love Love Love your Margarita Day Art! Wonderful!
