Monday, December 26, 2016

Happy Boxing Day-We Compete in sport

Tradition has it this is a U.K. holiday celebrated the day after Christmas. It has to do with giving boxes to tradesmen, many other box-related activities AND watching the boxing matches. This called to mind a creative sports competition we had not long ago...(11 seconds long only!)
Youtube version with Music

Our Karate Kick - Youtube version with music - 11 seconds

video upload (no music)


  1. Wow! Can you teach us that kick? It was quite impressive! Happy Boxing Day!

  2. Those were some moves! I've always wondered if you two get along all the time ... but I see that it's not ALWAYS the case ;)

  3. Mom and Dad were in London many years ago on Boxing Day. They didn't know what to do with themselves as not a store nor restaurant was open. But, they survived and would go back in a flash!!
