Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Our Special cardboard Christmas House

No we do NOT like snow. We are strictly indoor cats.  But our human knows photoshop and when we got this house as an early gift from Santa, she decided she MUST give us a virtual snow background. (She has nothing better to do, apparently). So there you are.  don't you love our

cute Christmas house?  It's made of cardboard, and took just minutes to put together!  Peaches as usual just HAD to be first, but I, Paprika, got to enjoy it...finally.  As you can see I'm somewhat uneasy.  Will Peaches get aggressive cuz she thinks its HERS? Well It's MY house now.

signed, Paprika the Cat

Note from Carol:
Here's how the house looked BEFORE the snow background...


  1. Oh, we love this! The house looks so fun and festive, and the wintry background is purrfect!

  2. What a cute house! We bet it will keep you warm from all that snow. ;)

  3. That is brilliant!! So impressive ... and warm looking!!

  4. Love the Christmas house! VERY FESTIVE and aren't you super happy that that snow is only photoshopped and not COLD COLD COLD on your feets?!

    Love, Angel Sammy

  5. I have seen that house before but both of you have to be the CUTEST kitties I have EVER seen using it! catchatwithcarenandcody

  6. It looks very festive with the snow :)

  7. Bear Cat wants to know if he can come visit your cool winter house :)

  8. Very cute! Where did you find it?

    1. Thank u for your note! It was given to me by a friend who got it at Target. Very inexpensive! Carol, P & P

  9. The house is nice but when we see you two ladies in there WOW!

  10. I love your house! I wish they'd had those when I had my cats. They'd have loved it.
