Tuesday, March 19, 2019

My new friend Calissandra--by Peaches the Cat

I would like everyone to meet Calissandra my new furrrriend.  Paprika was not available for cuddling one day so my human introduced me to this strange looking creature you see at my side.

At first I was not up for any socialization so I tried to ignore her as you can see!

Then I decided to give her the tried and true "whiff & sniff" test
Lo and behold she smelled like Catnip!  Yum....
I decided Calissandra was the gal for me!  She never tries to upstage me like Paprika does either.
Looks like me, smells like catnip..how could we go wrong!  I turned her upside down and gave her little hug, a little squeeze...
And then I assumed my usual position of choice!
Nothing like a little nap with a new friend...

Happy Tummy Tuesday and Way-Out Wednesday to all!



  1. Oh how cute. How fun too. You look good with your new buddy.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your mom. ♥

  2. Calissandra is cute, and it looks like she is trying to copy your positions.

  3. Nice to meet your new friend, she is cute. XO

  4. You two are totally adorable together!

  5. Peaches you and your new friend look so relaxed I feel like a nap Zzzz

  6. Calissandra is very cute and she'll make a good friend because she'll never talk back. :)

  7. The fourth picture in is a delight !
