Sunday, March 10, 2019

"Springing Forward" - Our Too Early Awakening

Whilst we were sleeping peacefully in our warm beds this morning, we were RUDELY AWAKENED  by our human who for some reason didn't realize the correct time!

We were unceremoniously told, it's time to "SPRING FORWARD!"  WHAAAA?  As far as we're concerned, "springing forward" is what you do when you chase birds or mice! (see pictures below for demo of what WE think springing forward is)


  1. We slept in as Dad furgot losing an hour of nap time. Now tomorrow will be another story
    Timmy and Family

  2. Yes, now that's my kind of springing forward too!

  3. It was rude of your human not to let you sleep on just because she got up early to look for that elusive hour.

  4. I think your momma's time clock is all messed up. Now that I think about it, that of my humans is, too! Your collage pic is just wonderful, but then again yours always are! Winks. -Valentine (& Kerry) of Noir Kitty Mews

    1. Hi Kerry thank u!!! If ur talking about the Mardi Gras Collage, you can see our Mardi Gras Many cats slideshow if you click on it! Wishing you a wonderful week

  5. But just get to eat an hour earlier!
